What is Balance of Payment?

Balance of Payment is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period, such as a quarter or a year. It lists all interactions between residents of one country and residents of other countries that involve businesses, organizations, or governments. Balance of Payments includes all the economic transactions, which involve the transfer of holding or title of goods and services. It is also known as the Balance of International Payments.

BoP is a self-balancing account like Trial Balance, as it also follows the Double Entry System. But in reality, there are cases when it is not equal. Thus, BoP can be:

  • Balanced (When, Credit Side = Debit Side)
  • Surplus (When, Credit Side > Debit Side)
  • Deficit (When, Credit Side < Debit Side)

Difference between Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade

Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade are two important terms that are sometimes confused as the same. The former is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period; however, the latter is the difference between the Export and Import of Goods.

Table of Content

  • What is Balance of Payment?
  • What is Balance of Trade?
  • Difference between Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade

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What is Balance of Payment?

Balance of Payment is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period, such as a quarter or a year. It lists all interactions between residents of one country and residents of other countries that involve businesses, organizations, or governments. Balance of Payments includes all the economic transactions, which involve the transfer of holding or title of goods and services. It is also known as the Balance of International Payments....

What is Balance of Trade?

Balance of Trade refers to the difference between the Export and Import of Goods. Exports are listed on the credit side (positive items) and Imports are listed on the debit side (negative items)....

Difference between Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade

Basis Balance of Payment Balance of Trade Meaning Balance of Payment is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period, such as a quarter or a year. Balance of Trade refers to the difference between the Export and Import of goods. Components Balance of Payment includes visible items, invisible items,unilateral transfers, and capital transfers. Balance of Trade includes only visible items. Records All transactions of capital nature are includedin the Balance of Payment. It records transactions related to goods only. Capital Transfers/Transactions All transactions of capital nature are includedin the Balance of Payment. Transactions of capital nature are not includedin the Balance of Trade. Scope Balance of Payment is a wider conceptand includes Balance of Trade. Balance of Trade is a narrow concept and is a part of Balance of Payment account. Economic View Balance of Payment gives a clear view of the country’s economic position. Balance of Trade gives a partial view of thecountry’s economic status. Result Both receipts and payment side of the Balanceof Payment account tallies. The result of Balance of Trade can be favourable, or unfavourable or balanced. Settlement Unfavourable BoP cannot be settled out of favourable BoP. Unfavourable BoT can be settled out of favourable BoT....