What is Biased Coin?

The coin in which the outcomes are not equally likely is called as the biased coin. The coin whose two sides have different probabilities. The probability of getting one side on the biased coin is not equal to 1/2. The biased coin is also known as the unfair coin. The side whose probability is greater than 1/2, the outcome is biased towards that side.

Does Coin flip really a 50–50 probability?

Coin Toss Probability is the probability of events involving coins and as we know, probability is the branch of mathematics that deals with the possibility of success or failure for any event. Mathematically, the probability is the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes to the total number of outcomes (sample space) for an event.

In simple words, coin toss probability is one part of the probability in which we find the probability of tossing a coin or multiple coins. Theoretically, for a fair coin, the probability of getting a head after a coin toss is 50% or 1/2 (As a coin has two sides Head and Tail) but in real life, it is not. This article answers the question i.e., “Does Coin flip really has a 50–50 probability?”, and also gives us brief information about coin toss probability. So, let’s verify does the coin toss probability has a 50-50 probability or not.

Table of Content

  • Coin Toss Probability Formula
  • Does Coin Flip have a 50-50 Probability?
  • What is Biased Coin?
  • Biased Coin Vs Unbiased Coin
  • 50-50 Probability of Coin Flip – FAQs

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