What is Breach of Contract?

A breach of contract happens when a party doesn’t meet its contractual obligations without a valid legal reason. Any deviation from the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a legally enforceable contract is considered a breach of that contract. It can take various forms, such as failing to perform a promised service, delivering goods that don’t meet agreed-upon specifications, or not paying an agreed-upon amount of money. If a contract is challenged in court, it will be enforceable. Giving the victim what they were originally promised would typically be the remedy if it could be demonstrated that a contract was broken.

Key Takeaways:

  • When either of the parties in a legally binding contract refuses to fulfill their part of the promise as per the agreed terms, that party is said to have committed a breach of contract.
  • Breach of contract can happen to both written and oral contracts.
  • In case a contract has been breached and the agreed terms are not followed, the parties have the option to either settle the dispute in court or among themselves.
  • Different kinds of contract breaches exist, such as real or anticipatory violations and minor or substantial breaches.

Table of Content

  • Kinds of Contract Breaches
  • Dealing with Contract Breaches: Legal Issues
  • Example of Breach of Contract
  • Conclusion
  • Breach of Contract- FAQs

Breach of Contract: Meaning, Kinds, Legal Issues and Examples

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What is Breach of Contract?

A breach of contract happens when a party doesn’t meet its contractual obligations without a valid legal reason. Any deviation from the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a legally enforceable contract is considered a breach of that contract. It can take various forms, such as failing to perform a promised service, delivering goods that don’t meet agreed-upon specifications, or not paying an agreed-upon amount of money. If a contract is challenged in court, it will be enforceable. Giving the victim what they were originally promised would typically be the remedy if it could be demonstrated that a contract was broken....

Kinds of Contract Breaches

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Dealing with Contract Breaches: Legal Issues

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Example of Breach of Contract

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In conclusion, breach of contract can arise from various circumstances, such as failure to perform obligations, deviation from agreed terms, or external factors beyond the parties’ control. It is essential for parties to uphold their contractual commitments to maintain trust and integrity in business relationships. When a breach occurs, seeking legal advice and exploring potential remedies, such as renegotiation or legal action, can help resolve disputes and mitigate damages. Ultimately, understanding contractual rights and responsibilities is crucial for effective contract management and dispute resolution....

Breach of Contract- FAQs

Is it illegal to breach a contract?...