What is Caps Lock?

Caps Lock is a key on a computer keyboard that, when activated, causes all letters typed to be in uppercase (capital letters). It’s usually located in the bottom left corner of a standard QWERTY keyboard, next to the left Shift key. It is a key located on computer keyboards to lock the input alphabet from the keyboard into a capitalized state.

What is Caps Lock?

Caps Lock is the short form of Capital Lock. It is a key found on computer keyboards that is used to lock the state of the alphabet characters into Capital state causing the input to be in upper-case letters when activated. It is a toggle key, which means it switches between two states, Active and Inactive each time it is pressed.

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What is Caps Lock?

Caps Lock is a key on a computer keyboard that, when activated, causes all letters typed to be in uppercase (capital letters). It’s usually located in the bottom left corner of a standard QWERTY keyboard, next to the left Shift key. It is a key located on computer keyboards to lock the input alphabet from the keyboard into a capitalized state....

Location of Caps Lock

On the most basic Key-Board layout, that is of layout, the Caps Lock key is located in the middle of the left-most end of the keyboard. Usually on the left of the ‘A’ key and below the ‘tab’ key....

Indicator Light

Most of the keyboards have some sort of LED light indicating the state of the Caps Lock key. One can determining if Caps Lock key is active or inactive by just looking at that indicator light. If the light is lit up, that means that the Caps Lock key is active, else inactive....

How to Use Caps Lock?

Activation: To activate the Caps Lock key, you need to press it once. After you pressed it, the Indicator Light should light up indicating that Caps Lock is Activated. Using: Once the indicator Light is up, use the keyboard like you normally do. The only difference it will make is that your input letters will be read in Upper Case by the PC. Example: HERE IS THE SAMPLE TYPING EXAMPLE WHEN CAPS LOCK IS ACTIVATED. De-activation: Once you are done typing your content using Caps Lock and you want to go back to lower case typing, just press the Caps Lock key again. The Indicator Light should turn off indicating that Caps Lock is deactivated....

Alternative for Caps Lock Key

Yes, there is an alternative to the Caps Lock key for getting capital letters as input. It’s the ‘Left Switch’ key. Holding down the ‘Left Switch’ reverses the Caps Lock key’s effect. When Caps Lock is inactive, pressing and holding the ‘Left Switch’ while typing causes alphabet characters to be read as upper case letters by the computer. When Caps Lock is active, pressing and holding the ‘Left Switch’ while typing causes alphabet characters to be read as Lower Case letters by the computer. Using the ‘Shift’ key can be a faster way to type instead of pressing the Caps Lock key to just input one letter as capitalized. Caps Lock key is useful when you need to input a whole sentence or word in capital letters....

Can I disable the caps lock key?

Yes, you may disable the caps lock key if you find yourself accidentally pressing it. You may do this by adjusting your computer’s keyboard settings or by utilizing additional software. Disabling the key prevents it from switching to uppercase mode, although keep in mind that this may differ depending on your operating system....

Can I use caps lock in Programming or Coding?

It is typically recommended to avoid using the caps lock key when naming variables, functions, or other code elements. Lowercase or camelCase is commonly used to improve readability and consistency. However, your naming style may be determined by the programming language or coding rules you are following....


In conclusion, Caps Lock key is is a fundamental component in computers, providing a convenient way to input alphabet characters in upper case letters inside the computer....

Frequently Asked Questions on Caps Lock – FAQs

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