What is Ceva’s Theorem?

Ceva’s Theorem provides a relationship between the segments of Cevians within a triangle. Mathematically, if AD, BE, and CF are Cevians of triangle ABC, intersecting at a common point P, then according to Ceva’s Theorem:

BD/DC × CE/EA × AF/FB = 1


  • BD, DC, CE, EA, AF, and FB represent the lengths of the segments formed by the Cevians AD, BE, and CF respectively.

This formula indicates that the product of the ratios of the segments of each cevian, measured from the vertex to the intersection point, is always equal to 1 in any triangle.

Real-Life Applications of Cevas-Theorem

Ceva’s Theorem is one of the geometric principles that offers a relation between Cevians in a triangle. The theorem assumes that if the segments corresponding to any three Cevians (lines that meet at a common point) are drawn in a triangle, then the product of then the product of the ratios of the segments of each Cevianevian is equal to 1.

Real-Life Applications of Ceva’s-Theorem

In this article, we explore the practical applications of Ceva’s Theorem, demonstrating its importance in various fields such as engineering, physics, and computer graphics.

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