What is Client/Server Architecture?

CSN (Client/Server Network) is type of computer network in which one of centralized and powerful computers (commonly called as server) is hub to which many of personal computers that are less powerful or workstations (commonly known as clients) are connected. It is type of system where clients are connected to server to just share or use resources. These servers are generally considered as heart of system. This type of network is more stable and scalable as compared to P2P network. In this architecture, system is generally decomposed into client and server processor or processes.

Client/Server Architecture

Advantages of Client/Server Architecture

  • A special Network Operating System (NOS) is provided by server to provide resources to many users that request them.
  • It is also very easy and simple to set up and manage data updates. This is because data is generally stored in centralized manner on server.
  • The server usually controls resources and data security.
  • This network also boosts speed of sharing resources.
  • If anyhow server goes down or crashes, entire will be affected by this.
  • It is very expensive as compared to P2P. This is due to need for server with more memory as well as need for many networking devices such as hubs, routers, switches, etc.
  • Cost of NOS being provided is very high.

Disadvantages of Client/Server Architecture

  • If the server fails, clients may lose access to services.
  • Setting up servers requires a higher investment in hardware and software.
  • Managing servers requires skilled personnel.

Classification of Computer Network on basis of Architecture

Network architecture generally refers to the design of a computer network or communications network. It simply describes the allocation task between all of the computers in the network. It is simply a way in which all network devices and services are organized and managed to connect clients like laptops, tablets, servers, etc., and also how tasks are allocated to computers.

It is defined as the physical and logical design of software, hardware, protocols, and media of data transmission. In this article, we are going to discuss Network Architecture in detail along with its type, the skills required to become a network architect, and many more.

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In Conclusion computer networks can be divided into two types based on their architecture: client-server and peer-to-peer. The Client-Server architecture offers centralised control, improved security, and making it more suitable for big and complex networks, however it is more expensive to implement and requires specialised staff. On the other hand, the Peer-to-Peer model provides decentralisation, cheaper initial costs, and ease of implementation, making it suitable for smaller networks, but it faces security and scalability difficulties....

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