What is Consistency?

In a system that guarantees consistency, all nodes in the system have the same data at the same time. When a write operation is completed, all subsequent read operations will return the updated value. This ensures that clients always see a consistent view of the data.

What is CA in CAP theorem?

“CA” stands for Consistency and Availability, in the context of the CAP (Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance) theorem. A CA System delivers consistency and availability across all the nodes. It can’t do this if there is a partition between any two nodes in the system and therefore does’t support partition tolerance.

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What is Consistency?

In a system that guarantees consistency, all nodes in the system have the same data at the same time. When a write operation is completed, all subsequent read operations will return the updated value. This ensures that clients always see a consistent view of the data....

What is Availability?

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