What is Cross Browser Testing?

Cross Browser Testing or Browser compatibility is a process of evaluating whether the functionality of a web application remains consistent when the end-user visits your web application from a different browser. It is also used to validate browser compatibility for desktop and web applications. 

In another way Cross-browser testing is a type of nonfunctional testing in which websites help to perform testing on different browsers efficiently.

  • Combination of Different Web Browsers: many popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, and many more with different Operating Systems are also capable of doing Cross-Browser testing with different OS combinations efficiently.
  • Different devices: Users can visit the website with the help of various devices which help to navigate them like smartphones, tablets, desktops laptops, and many more devices that have been used for visiting websites.
  • Various tools: The Website can assets technology like screen readers for different browsers

Note: In cross-browser testing, you will validate the style, font, and other UI elements of your website. All these things should look similar in each browser. 

Why is Cross Browser Testing Important?

This article explains browser testing, including what you should know to know about it, how to perform it correctly, and why it’s important for teams and developers working to create more browser-agnostic websites.

Table of Content

  • What is Cross Browser Testing?
  • Why is Cross Browser Testing Important?
  • What Features are Analyzed in a Browser Test?  
  • How Do I Select Browsers for Testing?
  • How is Cross Browser Testing Done?
  • When is Cross Browser Testing Done?
  • Tools To Use For Browser Compatibility Testing
  • Issues While Performing Cross-Browser Testing
  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Why is Cross Browser Testing Important

Cross Browser Testing

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What is Cross Browser Testing?

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Why is Cross Browser Testing Important?

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What Features are Analyzed in a Browser Test?

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How Do I Select Browsers for Testing?

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How is Cross Browser Testing Done?

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When is Cross Browser Testing Done?

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Tools To Use For Browser Compatibility Testing

If you don’t have an opportunity to have physical devices on your project, you can use some kind of emulator/simulator/virtual machine. For mobile devices consider these options: You can simulate devices using developer tools that are default in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Fiddler/Android studio/Xcode if you need to debug or reproduce an issue with your mobile device. As an example of a VM, you can use a virtual box or anything related that you prefer. For different browsers, you can use some paid cloud services that will provide you with a whole variety of browser/platform combinations....

Issues While Performing Cross-Browser Testing

Internet Explorer: Yes, you read it right! As a separate category, I’ve put IE. This is the most painful browser to test. Every QA tester knows that when he opens Internet Explorer, he will find a couple of bugs. Everything related to the front end can be broken here. You need to keep this in mind and don’t forget to check your application in IE. Layout: This is the most visible issue that you can find. It’s all related to CSS, Canvas, or DOM. Various bugs range from wrong text or image position to a small issue like a wrong-looking font. Do not forget about negative testing here as well, like closing a pop-out form by clicking somewhere outside the form. Touches and Clicks: It’s not easy to juggle the various types of input, especially now that tablets and phones generate touches that may or may not act as a mouse click. Hovering: If you have a menu that opens by hovering a mouse over it, don’t forget to check it as well. Sometimes the hovering never ends, sometimes the hover event links to the wrong item, sometimes it doesn’t open at all....


In conclusion, cross-browser testing is vital for checking the web applications function regularly across different browsers and devices. By identifying compatibility issues early on and managing both manual and automated testing ways, teams can enhance user experience and minimize potential bugs. using the right tools and following a structured testing plan is a key to achieve successful cross-browser testing outcomes....

Frequently Asked Questions on Why is Cross Browser Testing Important

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