What is Divisional Structure?

The structure under which jobs related to one product are grouped under one department is known as Divisional Structure. Such a type of structure is suitable for organizations that have more than one category of products to offer. The organization is divided into separate units or divisions, and each division is managed by a divisional manager. For example, if an organization has four divisions, then each department will have a separate department for production, marketing, finance, etc.

Difference between Functional Structure and Divisional Structure:


Functional Structure

Divisional Structure


Functional structure refers to grouping of jobs of similar nature under one department. Divisional structure refers to grouping of jobs related to one product under one department.


It is formed on the basis of function. It is formed on the basis of product.


It leads to functional specialization. It leads to product specialization.


Fixing responsibility for a particular department is difficult. Fixing responsibility for a particular department is easy.

Managerial Development

Managers become specialized in one function only, so there is less chance for overall managerial development. Multiple functions are performed by the managers which make managerial development easy.


It is economical as there is no duplication of work. It is not economical as all the resources are required by each department.


In the case of a multi-product company, coordination is difficult.  Coordination is easy as all the functions related to a particular product are integrated into a single department.


It is suitable for such organizations which have a single product or small number of products. It is suitable for organizations which have varieties of products.

Difference between Functional Structure and Divisional Structure

Organisation Structure is an element of job position that provides the basis on which managers and non-managerial employees perform their assigned jobs. Functional Structure and Divisional Structure are types of Organisation Structure.

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