What is DNS Caching?

DNS Caching can be simply termed as the process used by DNS Resolvers for storing the previously resolved information of DNS that contains domain names, and IP Addresses for some time. The main principle of DNS Caching is to speed up the process of future DNS lookup and also help in reducing the overall time of DNS Resolution.

Domain Name System (DNS) in Application Layer

Domain Name System (DNS) is a hostname for IP address translation service. DNS is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of name servers. It is an application layer protocol for message exchange between clients and servers. It is required for the functioning of the Internet.

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What is the Need of DNS?

Every host is identified by the IP address but remembering numbers is very difficult for people also the IP addresses are not static therefore a mapping is required to change the domain name to the IP address. So DNS is used to convert the domain name of the websites to their numerical IP address....

Types of Domain

There are various kinds of domain:...

Organization of Domain

It is very difficult to find out the IP address associated with a website because there are millions of websites and with all those websites we should be able to generate the IP address immediately, there should not be a lot of delays for that to happen organization of the database is very important....

Name-to-Address Resolution

The host requests the DNS name server to resolve the domain name. And the name server returns the IP address corresponding to that domain name to the host so that the host can future connect to that IP address....

Domain Name Server

The client machine sends a request to the local name server, which, if the root does not find the address in its database, sends a request to the root name server, which in turn, will route the query to a top-level domain (TLD) or authoritative name server. The root name server can also contain some hostName to IP address mappings. The Top-level domain (TLD) server always knows who the authoritative name server is. So finally the IP address is returned to the local name server which in turn returns the IP address to the host....

How Does DNS Work?

The working of DNS starts with converting a hostname into an IP Address. A domain name serves as a distinctive identification for a website. It is used in place of an IP address to make it simpler for consumers to visit websites. Domain Name System works by executing the database whose work is to store the name of hosts which are available on the Internet. The top-level domain server stores address information for top-level domains such as .com and .net, .org, and so on. If the Client sends the request, then the DNS resolver sends a request to DNS Server to fetch the IP Address. In case, when it does not contain that particular IP Address with a hostname, it forwards the request to another DNS Server. When IP Address has arrived at the resolver, it completes the request over Internet Protocol....

Authoritative DNS Server Vs Recursive DNS Resolver

Parameters Authoritative DNS Server Recursive DNS Resolver Function Holds the official DNS records for a domain Resolves DNS queries on behalf of clients Role Provides answers to specific DNS queries Actively looks up information for clients Query Handling Responds with authoritative DNS data Queries other DNS servers for DNS data Client Interaction Doesn’t directly interact with end-users Serves end-users or client applications Data Source Stores the DNS records for specific domains Looks up data from other DNS servers Caching Generally, doesn’t perform caching Caches DNS responses for faster lookups Hierarchical Resolution Does not participate in the recursive resolution Actively performs recursive name resolution IP Address Has a fixed, known IP address IP address may vary depending on ISP Zone Authority Manages a specific DNS zone (domain) Does not manage any specific DNS zone...

What is DNS Lookup?

DNS Lookup or DNS Resolution can be simply termed as the process that helps in allowing devices and applications that translate readable domain names to the corresponding IP Addresses used by the computers for communicating over the web....

DNS Servers Involved in Loading a Webpage

Upon loading the webpage, several DNS Servers are responsible for translating the domain name into the corresponding IP Address of the web server hosting the website. Here is the list of main DNS servers involved in loading a Webpage....

What is DNS Resolver?

DNS Resolver is simply called a DNS Client and has the functionality for initiating the process of DNS Lookup which is also called DNS Resolution. By using the DNS Resolver, applications can easily access different websites and services present on the Internet by using domain names that are very much friendly to the user and that also resolves the problem of remembering IP Address....

What Are the Types of DNS Queries?

There are basically three types of DNS Queries that occur in DNS Lookup. These are stated below....

What is DNS Caching?

DNS Caching can be simply termed as the process used by DNS Resolvers for storing the previously resolved information of DNS that contains domain names, and IP Addresses for some time. The main principle of DNS Caching is to speed up the process of future DNS lookup and also help in reducing the overall time of DNS Resolution....

FAQs On Domain Name System (DNS)

Q.1: What do you mean by level 3 DNS Server?...