What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses email to promote products or services to current or potential customers. It is cost-effective and efficient for companies to reach their target audience and communicate with existing customers. 

By creating personalized and relevant emails, businesses can increase engagement and drive conversions. It is more important than ever and is still one of the most effective ways for businesses to reach their target audience and those who may be interested in their products or services. 

However, creating a successful email marketing campaign requires a strategic approach and careful execution. This article explores key best practices for email marketing that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals. 

15 Actionable Email Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Open Rates [2023]

When it comes to marketing your product or services through email, there’s one pain point that every email marketer faces and has this one question in their mind – How do I get people to open my email? Practicing good inbound email marketing practices can improve your open and clickthrough rate but for that, you need to reach those people who want to hear from you. It will automatically improve your email open rates. In this article, we’ll talk about 15 tips that you can leverage to increase your email marketing ROI.

According to a report, more than 330 Million emails are sent daily and it might cross 376 Million by 2025 – all because of email marketing which outperforms SEO, Content Marketing, and even PPC. But what exactly is email marketing? Let’s understand that first:

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What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses email to promote products or services to current or potential customers. It is cost-effective and efficient for companies to reach their target audience and communicate with existing customers....

15 Actionable Email Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Open Rates

Here are 15 email marketing tips that will increase your email open rates and marketing ROI in 2023:...

Wrapping Up

Email marketing isn’t a new thing. It’s been popular for years but only a few email marketers can win this race of getting their emails opened by the maximum number of people. Though it looks hard but if you follow the above 15 tips while curating your email list, you’ll see a major difference from before....


Q1. How can I increase my open rate in email marketing?...