What is Enterprise Network Security?

Protecting a network that links computers, mainframes, and other devices—such as tablets and smartphones—within a business is known as enterprise network security. Enterprise networks are used by businesses, academic institutions, governments, and other organizations to link their users to people and information. Security risks rise with the scale and complexity of networks.

How to Implement Wireless Security in Enterprise?

This article covers how to implement wireless security in enterprise networks and what you can do to protect your company organization from hackers. One of the most common ways is through wireless. The hacker connects to your company’s Wi-Fi, which then gives them access to your network. Once inside, anything can happen from shutting down your server without you even knowing, to stealing your company’s data, and the personal information of its employees.

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What is Enterprise Network Security?

Protecting a network that links computers, mainframes, and other devices—such as tablets and smartphones—within a business is known as enterprise network security. Enterprise networks are used by businesses, academic institutions, governments, and other organizations to link their users to people and information. Security risks rise with the scale and complexity of networks....

How to Implement Wireless Security in Enterprise Networks?

Use Different Wi-Fi for Employees and Customers: First, make sure you have 2 different Wi-Fi networks – one for your employees and one for your customers. Ideally, you’ll have 2 different physical routers (one with a guest network). But if that’s not the case, then use software like Apple’s Airport Utility to set up a different network for each router (make sure the guest networks are secured). Use different Passwords for Guests: Give each network a different password (and make sure your employees don’t give out their Wi-Fi passwords). This way when a hacker tries to get into the Wi-Fi from another building or across the street, they won’t be able to get the password, and they’ll get locked out. Set up MAC Filtering on Your Router: This should happen automatically, but you can do it manually if it doesn’t. Put in the MAC address of each device that should be connected to your network. This will help to prevent unauthorized devices from joining your network. This can be done by going into your router’s settings (Google your router model if you don’t know where it is). Change the Default Password on Your Router: If you haven’t changed the default password of your router, you should do that now. You can do this by going into your router’s settings and changing the password. If you don’t know how to do this, Google your router model and read how to change the default password....

What Precautions You can take to Reduce the Hazards to Business Wireless Networks?

On each network, install a wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) and a wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS). Make sure all software on currently in-use equipment is updated in compliance with developer service pack issuing to ensure it is free from known vulnerabilities. Set up equipment in a secure manner. Ascertain that every piece of equipment satisfies the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-3: Security standards for Cryptographic Modules encryption standards. Observe the most recent National Institute of Standards and Technology guidelines. (Refer to the Wireless Local Area Network Security Guidelines.) For network access, set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If this isn’t feasible, think about using safe authentication methods other than a single shared password, like Active Directory service authentication or another way to add multi-factor authentication (MFA) to your network using tokens. Employ Transport Layer Security with Extensible Authentication Protocol. To secure the entire authentication transaction and communication, use certificate-based methods (or better) based on the Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security. Use AES encryption in the form of Counter Mode Cypher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol sparingly on enterprise Wireless Application Protocol 2 (WAP) networks. Employ more sophisticated encryption techniques that adhere to FIPS 140-3 as they are created and authorized, if at all practicable. Establish a guest wireless network that is distinct from the primary network. To make sure that organizational information is not visible to guest network traffic, use routers with several service set identifiers (SSIDs) or activate other wireless isolation capabilities....

Advantages of Wireless Security in Enterprise

Employees can access data and resources from any location within the network’s coverage area thanks to wireless networks, which offer more mobility and flexibility. Especially in big enterprise environments, wireless networks are frequently less expensive to construct and operate than traditional wired networks. Wireless networks don’t require extra equipment or wiring to be able to be scaled up or down to meet corporate needs. Since wireless networks do not require physical cords or wires, it is easier to move around and use devices without being constrained by wires....

Disadvantages of Wireless Security in Enterprise

Unauthorized access, data theft, and eavesdropping are just a few of the security lapses that wireless networks are especially susceptible to. This is due to the possibility of attackers intercepting and compromising wireless transmissions. Other wireless devices or appliances can generate interference to wireless networks, which can impact network performance and lead to connectivity problems. Compared to wired networks, wireless networks frequently have less bandwidth, which can have an impact on network performance and speed, particularly in busy regions. Because wireless networks have a restricted range, it may be challenging to offer consistent service throughout expansive business settings....

Frequently Asked Questions on Wireless Security Enterprise – FAQs

Why is wireless security important?...