What is Fractional Convolution?

In neural networks, fractional convolution is a type of operation used to upsample or increase the spatial resolution of the input data. It is also known as deconvolution or transposed convolution. Fractional convolution, unlike ordinary convolution, tends to increase the dimensions of the input rather than decrease them.

Key Concepts of Fractional Convolution

Fractional convolution finds its primary applications in neural networks and signal processing. To enhance flexibility in capturing patterns or characteristics, it involves convolving signals or images using fractional filter sizes. The following key concepts are crucial in understanding fractional convolution:

  • Fractional Dilation or Strides: Filters in conventional convolutional layers traverse the input data at a set pace. The concept of fractional strides or dilation—where the filter may move with non-integer step sizes—is introduced via fractional convolution. This makes it possible to regulate the input data sampling process more precisely.
  • Filters with fractions: Filters of non-integer sizes are used in fractional convolution. In conventional convolutional layers, integer-sized filters (such as 3×3, 5×5) are used. The size of fractional filters, which may be as small as 2.5 × 2.5, enables a more detailed examination of spatial information.
  • Upsampling and Convolution with Transposition: Upsampling processes are often linked to fractional convolution. Transposed convolution is a widely used method that is sometimes referred to by the terms fractionally strided convolution or deconvolution. It upsamples the input data using a fractional stride, which aids in improving spatial resolution.
  • Convolution with Sparsity: Sparse convolutions, which process just a portion of the incoming data, may be implemented via fractional convolution. This is accomplished by lowering the amount of processing and memory needed through the use of fractional strides or dilations, which bypass certain input places.
  • Uses for Neural Network Applications: Neural network topologies often utilize fractional convolution, especially for applications requiring high-resolution feature maps, such as image segmentation. It enables the network to pick up more intricate and situation-specific characteristics.
  • Effective Application: In order to accomplish fractional leaps without the need for dense calculations, fractional convolution is often performed quickly utilizing techniques consisting of the Fractional Pooling algorithm, which ideally blends sub-pixel pooling with bilinear interpolation.
  • Feature Learning That Adapts: Networks may learn characteristics that adapt at various scales and resolutions by using fractional convolution, which captures local as well as international information in their input data.
  • Trade-off Between Complexity and Resolution: A trade-off is introduced by fractional convolution between computational complexity and greater spatial resolution (resulting from upsampling). It could need more computer power even if it enables more thorough feature extraction.

Fractional Convolution Useful Cases

In many situations where precise control over the geographic resolution of a characteristic is essential, fractional convolution is used. The following are some practical situations and uses for fractional convolution:

  • Picture Division: Tasks involving picture segmentation often make use of fractional convolution. Neural networks can now accurately separate objects in photos by capturing borders and fine-grained spatial information.
  • High-Definition: Fractional convolution aids in upsampling attributes while maintaining crucial details in picture super-resolution jobs, where the objective is to produce pictures with excellent resolution from low-resolution inputs.
  • Finding Items: Fractional convolution is useful for object identification systems that need to extract detailed features and perform exact localization. It helps handle different sized and shaped items by letting the network adjust its receptive field appropriately.
  • Analysis of Medical Images: In medical imaging analysis, fractional convolution is useful, particularly for tasks like organ segmentation and tumor identification. It makes it possible for the network to identify minute characteristics in medical pictures, which results in more precise diagnosis.
  • NLP (Natural Language Processing): Fractional convolution may be used in natural language processing (NLP) applications to capture regional dependencies with different context window widths, such as when processing sequential input like voice or text. This may improve the model’s comprehension of complex linguistic patterns.
  • Processing Point Clouds: Fractional convolution may be used to manage unevenly sampled data in 3D cloud of points processing. It enables the network to efficiently learn characteristics from sparse clouds of points and adjust to varying point density.
  • Recognition of Gestures: When it comes to applications like gesture detection, where it’s crucial to capture minute hand motions and intricate spatial details, fractional convolution comes in handy. It makes high-resolution input data representations available for the network to acquire knowledge from.
  • Semantic Division: Fractional convolution is useful in semantic segmentation projects, where the objective is to give semantic labels to individual pixels in an image, much as in image segmentation. It aids in gathering contextual data and minute details for precise segmentation.
  • Generative Frameworks: Fractional convolution helps create realistic and high-fidelity pictures in generative models by enabling the model to learn precise characteristics during the upsampling process. Examples of these models include variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs).
  • Examining the video: Fractional convolution is used to record temporal and spatial correlations at multiple scales, which enables the network to adapt to changing motion patterns , object sizes for tasks like action identification and object tracking in films.
  • Fine-tuning and Transfer Learning: In transfer learning settings, fractional convolution may be useful when a model that was previously trained is refined on a particular task with distinct spatial features. It enables the model to pick up task-specific cues and modify its receptive field.

Differences Between Fractional Convolution and Fractional Correlation

Although the phrases fractional correlation and fractional convolution may be used similarly in certain situations, they can also have different meanings in other fields. Conventions used in various disciplines typically determine how they are distinguished from one another. After giving a brief introduction to convolution and correlation, I’ll go over several possible uses for the word “fractional” in various settings.


  1. A mathematical process called convolution creates a third function by combining two functions. Convolution is often used in signal analysis and neural network applications for tasks like feature extraction and filtration.
  2. Convolution in the realm of space is calculating the number of dots at each position while a filter (kernel) is slid across an input signals or picture.
  3. Multiplication is the same as convolution in the frequency domain.


  1. Another mathematical procedure that determines how similar two signals are to one other is correlation. It treats the filter/kernel differently from convolution, however it is closely linked to convolution.
  2. Correlation is often utilized in signal analysis and neural networks for tasks like pattern recognition and template matching.
  3. When a filter is symmetric, correlation and convolution are the same thing.

Fractional Stride in Convolution

  1. Fractional convolution is often related to processes like transposed volution or only strided convolution in the context of neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs). These procedures are used to deconvolution or upsampling layers.
  2. Fractional stride convolution entails using conventional convolution after putting zeros in between the input’s parts. An output greater than the input is the result of this.

Fractional Delay Filters in Signal Processing

Fractional delay filters can be used in signal processing, particularly in situations where fine-grained control of time-varying delays is required. Fractional delay components may be used into the design of these filters.

Advantages of Fractional Convolution

  • Extraction of Fine-Grained Features: By using non-integer sizes for filters or strides, fractional convolution makes it possible to extract fine-grained information. This is especially helpful for applications like object recognition or picture segmentation when collecting precise spatial information is essential.
  • Superior Quality Output: High-resolution output may be produced from low-resolution input using fractional convolution, particularly when combined with transposed convolution or deconvolution. This helps with activities such as super-resolution of images.
  • Fields of Adaptive Reception: By using fractional strides or dilation, fractional convolution offers the option to deploy adaptable receptive fields. This enables the model to modify the filters’ effective sizes according on the properties of the incoming data.
  • Diminished Checkerboard Patterns: Fractional convolution implementations reduce the appearance of checkerboard artifacts, a problem that may arise with normal transposed convolutions and provide less aesthetically acceptable results in produced pictures.
  • Convolution with Sparsity: Sparse convolutions, which process a portion of the input data, may be implemented using fractional convolution. This may result in increased memory and processing efficiency, particularly when working with big datasets.
  • Better Segmentation of Semantics: Fractional convolution helps to capture fine-grained boundaries and features in semantic segmentation duties, leading to more accurate and aesthetically pleasing segmentation maps.

Disadvantages of Fractional Convolution

  • Cost of Computation: The computational cost of fractional convolution may be high, particularly when combined with transposed convolution. The model’s efficiency can be impacted by the extra calculations required to achieve the higher spatial resolution.
  • Higher Utilization of Memory: Fractional convolution yields more spatial resolution, but at the cost of additional memory use during inference and training. This might be detrimental, especially in settings with limited resources.
  • Possible Overfitting: Fractional convolution’s capacity to extract fine-grained features may cause overfitting, particularly when working with tiny datasets. It is possible for models to pick up on noise or particulars that aren’t typical of the whole dataset.
  • Implementation Complexity: Fractional convolution may be more complicated to implement effectively than ordinary convolution processes and calls for careful evaluation of the techniques. It may be difficult to incorporate into certain designs or frameworks due to its complexity.
  • Restricted Standardization: In deep learning libraries, fractional convolution procedures are less standardized than ordinary convolution operations. The absence of uniformity might lead to disparities in how various frameworks are implemented.
  • Ability to interpret Problems: Model explainability may be impacted by the use of asymmetric convolution, which may make it more difficult to read and comprehend the learnt features, particularly in complicated neural network designs.

Concepts associated with the fractional convolution

  • Filters using Fractional Delay: Fractional delay filtering are used in signal processing to add fractional delays to a signal. When it’s required to put off a signal by an non-integer period of time, these filters are used. Fractional delay filters are vital in situations where precise control of time-dependent delays is required. They may be implemented in a variety of ways.
  • Convolution in Continuous Time: A basic signal processing method called convolution explains how two signals merge to form a third signal. When it comes to signals in continuous time, convolution is often shown as an integral. By handling fractional delays, the convolution operation may be expanded, giving signal processing applications more versatility.
  • Convolutional Mechanism: Applying the convolution technique to signals or sequences is known as the convolutional process. The procedure is modified to manage fractional delays in the context of convolution with fractions. Image processing, audio processing, and communication systems are just a few of the domains where this idea is applicable.
  • Decimation and Interpolation: Decimation and interpolation techniques are strongly associated with fractional convolution. Decimation entails lowering a signal’s sample rate, while interpolation entails raising it. These procedures may be implemented with non-integer factors using fractional convolution, which gives the resampling techniques greater exact control.
  • Fractionally strided convolution, or transposed convolution: The phrase “fractional convolution” is frequently employed in relation to neural network activities such as transposed convolution , fractionally strided convolution. Neural network designs use these procedures for upsampling purposes. Transposed convolution produces an output with a higher spatial resolution by first doing conventional convolution and then introducing zeros between the input’s parts.
  • Filters’ Fractional Delay Components: Fractional delay components may be included into filters for use in signal processing algorithms in order to meet certain design objectives. The phase & timing of the signal that has been filtered may be more precisely controlled thanks to these components.

Fractional convolution Implementations:

Step 1: Install Necessary Libraries

Installation NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib, three Python libraries, using the !pip command. Plotting, signal processing, and numerical computation are three frequent uses for these libraries.

# Install necessary libraries
!pip install numpy
!pip install scipy
!pip install matplotlib

Step 2: Import Libraries

Numpy is aliased to np after import. The fftconvolve method from the scipy.signal package, matplotlib, is imported.pyplot is an alias for plt.


# Import libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Step 3: Generate Signals

In order to represent impulses for convolution, two 1D NumPy arrays are generated, called signal_a and signal_b. There are four items in signal_a and two in signal_b.


# Generate signals
signal_a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
signal_b = np.array([0.5, 0.25])

Step 4: Perform Fractional Convolution

Convolution is carried out using SciPy’s fftconvolve function. It is a quick convolution solution that accelerates computing by using the Fast Fourier Transform, which (FFT). The result of the mode=’full’ argument is the whole convolution, with boundary effects.


# Perform fractional convolution
result = fftconvolve(signal_a, signal_b, mode='full')

Step 5: Visualize the Result

In this step, signals and the convolution’s output are shown using Matplotlib. Horizontally, three subplots are made (1 row, 3 column). The signal_a, signal_b, and result of the combination are shown in the first, second, and third subplots, respectively. Stem plots are made using plt.stem. Lastly, the plot is shown using plt.show() after plt.tight_layout() makes sure the subplots are neatly organized.


# Visualize the result
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
# Plot Signal A
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title('Signal A')
plt.xlabel('Sample Index')
# Plot Signal B
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.title('Signal B')
plt.xlabel('Sample Index')
# Plot Result of Fractional Convolution
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.title('Result of Fractional Convolution')
plt.xlabel('Sample Index')


Fractional Convolution

What is Fractional Convolution?

By extending the meaning of convolution beyond integer values, fractional convolution offers a more adaptable method for performing mathematical operations and signal processing. Fractional convolution offers a greater degree more granularity in the combination process by allowing for intermediate stages, while classic convolution only deals with an integer steps between components.

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