What is Frequency Curve?

A frequency curve is a result of joining the vertices of a frequency polygon with a smooth curve. It is also referred to as a Smoothed Frequency Curve. The frequency curve may not always go through all of the points of the frequency polygon, but it passes through them as closely as possible.

  • A frequency curve should be carefully constructed to avoid sharp edges.
  • The curve is drawn freehand in a way that makes the area covered roughly equal to that of the polygon.
  • This curve should begin and stop at the baseline. It is usually extended to the middle point of the class interval outside of the histogram.
  • The total number of frequencies in the whole distribution should be represented by the area under the curve.

Steps of Frequency Curve 

  1. Using the given data, create a histogram. 
  2. Determine the midpoints of the upper horizontal side of each rectangle. 
  3. To create a frequency curve, join the mid-points of the adjacent rectangles of the histogram using a smooth free hand. 
  4. With a free hand, extend the ends of the frequency curve to the baseline.

Example of Frequency Curve: 

Draw a frequency curve from the following distribution.


The continuous frequency distribution applies in this case, as there is a frequency distribution with equal class intervals. Firstly, the histogram is prepared, and then the frequency curve. The class interval will be plotted on the X-axis, while the frequency distribution will be plotted on the Y-axis.

Frequency Polygon | Meaning, Steps to Draw and Examples

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