What is Gravity?

All mass-supporting objects exert gravity on all other mass-supporting objects. The magnitude and strength of this force are determined by the mass of the objects involved. The orbits of the planets around the sun continue to move due to gravity. 

As a result, we can define gravity as a force that pulls a body toward the earth’s core. Gravity is a well-known phenomenon and plays an important role in the survival of life on Earth. The atmosphere of our planet is maintained by the gravitational pull between the Earth and the Sun. As a result, it is the reason for the air that humans need to breathe in order to survive. Not only that, but keep away from the sun too close.

Difference Between Gravitation and Gravity

In Physics, the terms gravitation and gravity are extremely similar. In most cases, these two terms are used interchangeably. Despite the fact that these two words sound similar, there is a distinction between gravitation and gravity.

Gravity is used when the gravitational field is given, it is the actual force experienced by any object under the influence of any other object in its gravitational field. On the other hand ‘Gravitation’ is defined as the phenomenon that any two pairs of masses attract one another and is mathematically described by Newton’s law of gravitation.

We’ll look at various facts and the distinction between gravitation and gravity in this article.

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FAQs on Gravitation and Gravity

Question 1: Is Gravitation a Repelling or Attractive Force?...