What is Ideation?

Ideation is a part of the design thinking process where the designer brainstorms and comes up with ideas or potential solutions to the issue the business may be facing in regard to UI/UX design.

In simpler terms, Ideation is coming up with ideas. In this step of design thinking, the designer creates ideas, develops existing ideas, and tries to innovate the existing design to solve a problem or optimize it.

Design Thinking is a five-step process:

  1. Understanding the challenge and empathizing.
  2. Defining the problem.
  3. Ideation
  4. Creating a prototype.
  5. Testing the prototype, taking feedback and iterating.

Ideation is the third and one of the most crucial steps of the design thinking process. During Ideation, we designers not only have to brainstorm ideas but we also have to come up with potential matches of applications or website that have similar problems like ours, and then try to match that solution with the insights we figured out in the first step of design thinking (which is “empathizing”).

Ideation in Design Thinking

Design thinking is a creative way to solve problems. It is the sum of all the processes that result in designing a prototype, Design thinking is all about showing empathy with the user. The most important step in the process of design thinking is Ideation. Ideation is a part of the design thinking process where the designer brainstorms and comes up with ideas or potential solutions to the issue the business may be facing regarding UI/UX design. In this article, we will discuss what Ideation is and what role it plays in the process of design thinking.

Ideation in Design Thinking

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