What is Information Retrieval(IR)?

It can be defined as a software program that is used to find material(usually documents) of an unstructured nature(usually text) that satisfies an information need from within large collections(usually stored on computers). It helps users find their required information but does not explicitly return the answers to their questions. It gives information about the existence and location of the documents that might contain the required information.

Use Cases of Information Retrieval

Information Retrieval can be used in many scenarios, some of these are:

  • Web Search
  • E-mail Search
  • Searching your laptop
  • Legal information retrieval etc.

Process of Information Retrieval

To learn more about information retrieval you can refer to this article.

Here we are going to discuss two algorithms that are used in Information Retrieval:

  1. K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN)
  2. K-Dimensional Tree(KDTree)

Introductory guide to Information Retrieval using KNN and KDTree

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What is Information Retrieval(IR)?

It can be defined as a software program that is used to find material(usually documents) of an unstructured nature(usually text) that satisfies an information need from within large collections(usually stored on computers). It helps users find their required information but does not explicitly return the answers to their questions. It gives information about the existence and location of the documents that might contain the required information....

K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

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K-Dimensional Tree (KDTree)

KDTree is a space partitioning data structure for organizing points in K-Dimensional space. It is an improvement over KNN. It is useful for representing data efficiently. In KDTree the data points are organized and partitioned on the basis of some specific conditions....