What is Integrated Circuits?

Integrated circuits are a very special and important topic for digital electronics. Digital Electronics is related to 0 and 1 . Using 0, 1 only every analog waveform is digitally represented.

The simple definition of the integrated circuit is a miniature low-cost electronic circuit that consists of both active and passive elements fabricated on single-crystal silicon. The integrated circuit is made of semiconductor material.

Types of Integrated Circuits

In this article, we will go through the Types of Integrated Circuits, we will start our article with the introductions of the ICs, then we will go through different types of ICs one by one, At last, we will conclude our article will their applications, advantages, disadvantages and some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Types of Integrated Circuit
  • Digital Integrated Circuit
  • Analog Integrated Circuit
  • Mixed Design
  • Based on the Application
  • Based on Technology
  • Based on Integration Level

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What is Integrated Circuits?

Integrated circuits are a very special and important topic for digital electronics. Digital Electronics is related to 0 and 1 . Using 0, 1 only every analog waveform is digitally represented....

Types of Integrated Circuit

There are three major types of Integrated circuit which are...

Digital Integrated Circuit

The Digital design approach is used to create different Integrated circuits(ICs) which are used in the computer memories such as RAM ,ROM and also used in the Microprocessors. This design approach enhances both circuit density and overall efficiency. The ICs which are created using this approach will operate with binary input data....

Analog Integrated Circuit

Analog design is referred as the process of creating integrated circuits (ICs) which can handle continuous signals that can be used in many function such as amplification, filtering, regulation, and oscillation. The Digital ICs will process only two inputs but Analog ICs will have different range of voltage levels....

Mixed Design

In this Approach the ICs will have both analog and digital design principles on a single chip. This Integration will allow the Mixed ICs to process the both Analog as well as Digital Signal which will make them more used for the applications such interfacing between the analog and digital domains....

Based on the Applications

There are two types of integrated circuits based on the application. They are...

Based on Technology

The flow diagram of the Integrated circuit based on the technology is given below....

Based on Integration Level

There are five types of integration levels. They are tabled below....

Advantages of the Integrated Circuit

The integrated circuit takes very low power. Integrated Circuit has high reliability. Integrated Circuit is available at a low cost. The integrated circuit is operated at high speed....

Disadvantages of the Integrated Circuit

Transformers and Inductance have no concept of the Integrated circuit. If one component of the integrated circuit fails then the whole circuit is replaced. Integrated circuits are not flexible....

Applications of the Integrated Circuit

In memory devices, the integrated circuit is used. In microwaves, the integrated circuit concept is used. In temperature sensors integrated circuit concept is used. In Timers, counters integrated circuit is used....


In this article have gone through the Types of Integrated Circuits, we have gone each types of Integrated Circuits in detail and we have also seen the advantages, disadvantages and applications of the Integrated Circuit....

Types of Integrated Circuits – FAQs

What distinguishes digital integrated circuits from analog ones?...