What is Larynx?

Larynx is a Cartilagenous organ located on top of the trachea in the Laryngopharynx. It is internally lined with Ciliated Columnar Epithelium. It is made up of four cartilages.

  • Thyroid cartilage(1): ​Thyroid cartilage supports the front, upper and lower parts of the Larynx.
  • Cricoid cartilage (1): Cricoid cartilage is ring-like and it supports the lower part of the Larynx
  • Arytenoid cartilages (2): Arytenoid cartilages are triangular shaped and they support the back part of the Larynx.

Functions of Larynx

Larynx has three main functions in the body

  • Breathing
  • Preventing food and other particles from getting into the trachea, lungs, and other parts of the respiratory system.
  • Production of sound

Difference Between Pharynx And Larynx

Pharynx and Larynx are Structures in the neck region of vertebrates. The main difference between these two structures is that Pharynx is a region where food and air come from their respective external openings i.e. Mouth and Nose while the Larynx is a Cartilagenous organ that helps in the production of sound.

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FAQs on Pharynx and Larynx

1. What is the main difference between the Pharynx and Larynx?...