What is Linked List in Python

A linked list is a type of linear data structure similar to arrays. It is a collection of nodes that are linked with each other. A node contains two things first is data and second is a link that connects it with another node. Below is an example of a linked list with four nodes and each node contains character data and a link to another node. Our first node is where head points and we can access all the elements of the linked list using the head.

Linked List

Python Linked List

In this article, we will learn about the implementation of a linked list in Python. To implement the linked list in Python, we will use classes in Python. Now, we know that a linked list consists of nodes and nodes have two elements i.e. data and a reference to another node. Let’s implement the node first. 

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What is Linked List in Python

A linked list is a type of linear data structure similar to arrays. It is a collection of nodes that are linked with each other. A node contains two things first is data and second is a link that connects it with another node. Below is an example of a linked list with four nodes and each node contains character data and a link to another node. Our first node is where head points and we can access all the elements of the linked list using the head....

Creating a linked list in Python

In this LinkedList class, we will use the Node class to create a linked list. In this class, we have an __init__ method that initializes the linked list with an empty head. Next, we have created an insertAtBegin() method to insert a node at the beginning of the linked list, an insertAtIndex() method to insert a node at the given index of the linked list, and insertAtEnd() method inserts a node at the end of the linked list. After that, we have the remove_node() method which takes the data as an argument to delete that node. In the remove_node() method we traverse the linked list if a node is present equal to data then we delete that node from the linked list. Then we have the sizeOfLL() method to get the current size of the linked list and the last method of the LinkedList class is printLL() which traverses the linked list and prints the data of each node....

Insertion in Linked List


Delete Node in a Linked List

Insertion at Beginning in Linked List...

Example of the Linked list in Python
