What is Occupational Safety and Health Act?

Occupational Safety and Health Act is a federal law that was formed by US Congress in 1970. Occupational Safety and Health Act refers to the act that contains provisions to provide a healthy and safe environment for employees at their workplace. To maintain a healthy and safe environment, the act has laid some rules that need to be followed by all government and private organisations. To ensure that everyone is following them, inspections are done on the basis of reports or a random basis. It spreads awareness about safety and health through its training programs. It also keeps records of illnesses or injuries caused in the workplace. It encourages workers to report their safety concerns in the workplace without any fear.

Table of Content

  • Why was the Occupational Safety and Health Act formed?
  • Working of Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • Right of Employers and Employees under the OSH Act
  • Responsibilities of Employers and Employees under OSH Act
  • Training and Education Programs under the OSH Act
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Occupational Safety and Health Act : Working, Rights, Responsibilities and FAQs

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What is Occupational Safety and Health Act?

Occupational Safety and Health Act is a federal law that was formed by US Congress in 1970. Occupational Safety and Health Act refers to the act that contains provisions to provide a healthy and safe environment for employees at their workplace. To maintain a healthy and safe environment, the act has laid some rules that need to be followed by all government and private organisations. To ensure that everyone is following them, inspections are done on the basis of reports or a random basis. It spreads awareness about safety and health through its training programs. It also keeps records of illnesses or injuries caused in the workplace. It encourages workers to report their safety concerns in the workplace without any fear....

Why was the Occupational Safety and Health Act formed?

1. Rising Concerns for Worker Safety: There were very high numbers of workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths occurring during the 1960s in the U.S. According to the statistics of the Bureau of Labour, there have been 14,000 work-related fatalities, and 2.5 million disabling injuries happened in 1969. So, to reduce them, this act was formed to create a system of occupational safety and health that has proper standards, enforcement, research, education, and training....

Working of Occupational Safety and Health Act

The OSH Act formed two federal agencies to carry out its provisions,...

Right of Employers and Employees under OSH Act

I. Employer’s Rights...

Responsibilities of Employers and Employees under OSH Act

I. Employer’s Responsibilities...

Training and Education Programs under OSH Act

OSHA provides various training and education programs for workers so they can remain safe. Some of the programs provided by OSHA are:...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the importance of the OSHA Act?...