What is Organizational Behavior Modification?

Organisational Behaviour Modification (OB Mod) is a systematic approach to improving employee performance and productivity by applying principles of behavioral psychology. The concept, grounded in principles of psychology, specifically behaviourism, focuses on using rewards and punishments to reinforce desired behaviours and reduce undesired ones. Through the identification of target behaviors, setting exact objectives, and using appropriate interventions, OBM aims to improve job satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

Organisational Behaviour Modification: Meaning, Steps, Contribution and Criticism

Organizational Behavior Modification (OB Mod) is a systematic application of behavioral principles to improve individual and organizational performance. It focuses on manipulating the antecedents and consequences to change employee behavior in the workplace. Organizational Behavior Modification seeks to increase productivity and efficiency and enhance organizational performance by understanding the basic variables influencing behavior.

In this article, we will delve into the key steps in Organizational Behavior Modification along with some criticism it faces.

Key Takeaways:

  • OB Mod is based on the principles of behaviorism, particularly operant conditioning by B.F. Skinner.
  • It involves identifying, measuring, and modifying behaviors within an organization to improve performance and productivity.
  • The OB Mod sets clear objectives and goals for behavior modification.
  • OB Mod helps in building a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.
  • It utilizes interventions such as reinforcement and punishment to shape behaviors.

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What is Organizational Behavior Modification?

Organisational Behaviour Modification (OB Mod) is a systematic approach to improving employee performance and productivity by applying principles of behavioral psychology. The concept, grounded in principles of psychology, specifically behaviourism, focuses on using rewards and punishments to reinforce desired behaviours and reduce undesired ones. Through the identification of target behaviors, setting exact objectives, and using appropriate interventions, OBM aims to improve job satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational performance....

Steps in Organizational Behavior Modification

1. Identify Critical Behaviors: The first step is to identify the specific behaviors that are critical to the performance and success of the organization. These behaviors should be observable, measurable, and directly related to the organization’s goals. For example, in a sales organization, critical behaviors might include the number of customer calls made or the quality of customer interactions....

Contributions in Organizational Behavior Modification

1. Foundational Theories and Models...

Criticisms of Organizational Behavior Modification

1. Reductionism: OB Mod tends to reduce complex human behaviors and motivations to simple cause-and-effect relationships. Critics argue that it overlooks the complexity of human nature, including intrinsic motivations, emotions, and cognitive processes. By focusing primarily on observable behavior, OB Mod might neglect the underlying psychological factors that influence employee actions....

Example of Organizational Behavior Modification

1. Walmart:...

Organizational Behavior Modification – FAQ

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