What is Part-time?

Part-time employees work fewer hours than full-time employees. The exact number of hours varies but is generally less than 30 or 35 hours per week. Part-time employees may or may not receive the same benefits as full-time employees, depending on company policies.

Example 2:

GFG-2 is a part-time employee working 25 hours a week. He works from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Wednesday.


GFG-2’s daily hours: 6:00 PM – 1:00 PM = 5 hours

Weekly hours: 5 hours/day * 3 days/week = 15 hours

GFG-2, as a part-time employee, works fewer hours than a full-time employee. The example illustrates the calculation of weekly hours for a part-time schedule, where the daily hours are multiplied by the number of workdays.

How to Calculate Hours Worked: Formula and Examples

Calculating hours worked involves determining the total time an individual spends on their job duties. This is crucial for various purposes, such as determining wages, tracking productivity, and ensuring adherence to labour regulations.

Table of Content

  • Importance of calculating hours worked
  • How to calculate hours worked?
  • How to keep track of employee hours?
  • What is full time?
  • What is part time?
  • What is overtime?
  • Conclusion

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Understanding and accurately calculating working hours for different employment arrangements is crucial for payroll accuracy, compliance with labour laws, and ensuring fair compensation for employees. Employers should be mindful of these calculations to maintain transparency and uphold employment standards....