What is Production?

Production refers to the process of creating goods or services through various activities, including manufacturing, sourcing raw materials, processing, assembly, packaging, and distribution. It encompasses all stages of bringing a product or service to market, from the initial extraction or cultivation of raw materials to the delivery of finished goods or services to consumers.

Features of Production are:

  • Creation of Goods or Services: Production involves the creation of tangible goods or intangible services to fulfill the needs and demands of consumers or businesses.
  • Value Addition: Production adds value to raw materials or inputs by transforming them into finished products or services that have utility, functionality, or market value.
  • Diverse Processes: Production encompasses a wide range of processes and activities, including manufacturing, sourcing raw materials, processing, assembly, packaging, distribution, and service provision.
  • Resource Utilization: Production requires the utilization of various resources, including raw materials, labor, machinery, equipment, technology, and capital, to produce goods or services efficiently and effectively.

Difference between Manufacturing and Production

Manufacturing and Production are terms often used interchangeably, but they refer to different aspects of the process of creating goods. Manufacturing refers to the process of converting raw materials into finished goods through various industrial processes, while Production is a broader term that encompasses all activities involved in creating goods or services, including manufacturing as well as other stages.

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