What is Proof of Concept?

A proof of concept is an element of the project discovery phase, which is the initial stage of developing a product to determine how best to implement your idea and validate it. Checking if your intended functionality can be implemented with the selected technology stack is the main goal of the proof of concept. When developers meet challenges, they look for substitute resources or determine that the original concept is not workable.

Proof of Concept vs Prototype vs Minimum Viable Product

A proof of concept could be mistaken for a prototype or minimum viable product because it addresses multiple aspects of software development. But each of these ideas is distinct and has a distinct function. In this article, let’s discuss the distinctions between an MVP, a prototype, and a proof of concept.

POC and MVP both require development and strong technical know-how, but creating a prototype might only need competent designers.

Proof of Concept vs Prototype vs Minimum Viable Product

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What is Proof of Concept?

A proof of concept is an element of the project discovery phase, which is the initial stage of developing a product to determine how best to implement your idea and validate it. Checking if your intended functionality can be implemented with the selected technology stack is the main goal of the proof of concept. When developers meet challenges, they look for substitute resources or determine that the original concept is not workable....

What is a Prototype?

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What is Minimum Viable Product?

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Proof of Concept vs Prototype vs Minimum Viable Product:



While creating a proof of concept and prototype is optional, creating an MVP is generally advised for all startups. For example, you don’t have to create a PoC if the project doesn’t need feasibility testing. Prototyping is almost always advantageous for a startup, though it can be overkill in certain situations, such as very small projects....

FAQs on Proof of Concept vs Prototype vs Minimum Viable Product:

Can a prototype be a proof of concept?...