What is randomsplit()

Anomalies in randomsplit() in PySpark refer to unexpected or inconsistent behavior that can occur when using the randomsplit() function. This function is used to split a dataset into two or more subsets with a specified ratio. However, due to the random nature of the function, it may lead to duplicated or missing rows, or unexpected results when performing joins on the resulting subsets.

Syntax of randomSplit

It is used in PySpark to split the data frame with the provided weights. the data frame is a 2-Dimensional data structure or a table with rows and columns where the data of the table is split based on weights and seed value.  

Syntax: DataFrame.randomSplit(weights, seed=None)


  • weights: list, list of doubles as weights in order to split the data frame.               
  • seed: int, optional, seed for sampling, a random number generator.


One example of an anomaly in randomsplit() is when the number of data points in each split differs with every execution, which can lead to inaccuracies in data analysis or machine learning model training. Another example is when the function generates a split where one of the subsets is empty or has very few rows which lead to an unbalanced dataset and can cause issues in the model training.

Occasionally, using the randomsplit() function may lead to inconsistent and surprising outcomes, such as duplication or loss of rows, or unusual results when performing joins. For instance, if a table of employees is divided into two parts (split1 and split2), and the split1 portion is then joined with another table (department), the number of data points in the resulting table may vary with each execution, as the number of data points in each split may differ.


# import pyspark.sql for making tables
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("SparkByExamples.com").getOrCreate()
# make a table employee
emp = [(1, "Sagar", -1, "2018", "10", "M", 3000),
       (2, "G", 1, "2010", "20", "M", 4000),
       (3, "F", 1, "2010", "10", "M", 1000),
       (4, "G", 2, "2005", "10", "M", 2000),
       (5, "Great", 2, "2010", "40", "", -1),
       (6, "Hash", 2, "2010", "50", "", -1)]
# naming columns of employee table
empColumns = ["emp_id", "name", "superior_emp_id",
              "year_joined", "emp_dept_id", "gender", "salary"]
print("Employee Table")
# here, we have created a framework for table employee
empDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=emp, schema=empColumns)
# make another table department
dept = [("F", 10), ("M", 20), ("S", 30), ("I", 40)]
print("Department Table")
# naming columns of department table
deptColumns = ["dept_name", "dept_id"]
# here, we have created a framework for table department
deptDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=dept, schema=deptColumns)
print("- Inconsistencies on every run-")
# splitting up of data into two parts and joining one of them splitted part
# with department table in order to check the inconsistent behaviour of randomsplit
split1, split2 = empDF.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
print("Ist Run:", split1.join(
    deptDF, empDF.emp_dept_id == deptDF.dept_id, "inner").count())
split1, split2 = empDF.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
print("IInd Run:", split1.join(
    deptDF, empDF.emp_dept_id == deptDF.dept_id, "inner").count())
split1, split2 = empDF.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
print("IIIrd Run:", split1.join(
    deptDF, empDF.emp_dept_id == deptDF.dept_id, "inner").count())
split1, split2 = empDF.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
print("IVth Run:", split1.join(
    deptDF, empDF.emp_dept_id == deptDF.dept_id, "inner").count())
split1, split2 = empDF.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
print("Vth Run:", split1.join(
    deptDF, empDF.emp_dept_id == deptDF.dept_id, "inner").count())



PySpark Under the Hood

The randomsplit() function in PySpark is used to randomly split a dataset into two or more subsets with a specified ratio. Under the hood, the function first creates a random number generator, then for each element in the dataset, it generates a random number between 0 and 1, and compares it to the specified ratio. If the random number is less than the ratio, the element is placed in the first subset, otherwise, it is placed in the second subset.

When the function is called multiple times, the subsets generated will be different due to the random nature of the function. To mitigate this, the function allows you to set a seed value for the random number generator so that the subsets generated are reproducible.

The randomsplit() function can also be used on a Dataframe or Dataset, but the splitting will be based on the rows, not the elements as in RDD.

The process is repeated to induce each split data frame partitioning, sorting within partitions, and Bernoulli sampling. However,re-partitioned, and resorted for each split computation, If the original data frame isn’t cached also the data will be prefetched. The data distribution across partitions and sorting order is essential for both randomSplit() and sample(). Still, there may be duplicates or missing values across splits and the same sample using the same seed may produce different results, If either changes upon data prefetch. These types of inconsistencies might not be on every prosecution, but to exclude them fully, persist your data frame, repartition on a column( s), or apply aggregate functions like groupBy.

Step 1: Loading DataFrame

You can download the CSV file here.


# import pyspark along with sparksession
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() 
# read the dataset
df = spark.read.format('csv').option
            ('header', 'true').load('gfg.csv')
# to show the content of dataset



Step 2: Splitting the above Dataframe into two DataFrames

Here, we have split the DataFrame into two parts i.e., 50% in split1 and 50% in split2. In the original DataFrame, we have 4 Rows and after performing randomSplit(), DataFrame is split into two parts i.e., 2 Rows in split1 and 2 Rows in split2.


# import pyspark along with sparksession
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# to get an existing sparksession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# read the dataset
df = spark.read.format('csv').option('header',
split1, split2 = df.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5], seed=13)
# count of rows in original data frame
print("original: ", df.count())
# count of rows in splitted data frames
print("split1: ", split1.count())
print("split2: ", split2.count())



PySpark randomSplit() and sample() Methods

In this article, we are going to learn about under the hood: randomSplit() and sample() inner working with Pyspark in Python. In PySpark, whenever we work on large datasets we need to split the data into smaller chunks or get some percentage of data to perform some operations. Hence, PySpark provides two such methods randomSplit() and sample(). The randomSplit() is used to split the DataFrame within the provided limit,  whereas sample() is used to get random samples of the DataFrame.

Required Module

!pip install pyspark

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What is randomsplit()

Anomalies in randomsplit() in PySpark refer to unexpected or inconsistent behavior that can occur when using the randomsplit() function. This function is used to split a dataset into two or more subsets with a specified ratio. However, due to the random nature of the function, it may lead to duplicated or missing rows, or unexpected results when performing joins on the resulting subsets....

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