What is Residual Risk in Cyber Security?

Residual risk is the level of cyber risk that remains after all security controls have been implemented, threats have been addressed, and the organization is meeting security standards. It’s the risk that slips through the cracks of your system. In contrast, inherent risk is the risk present when there are no controls in place and organizations have no plan or system to mitigate threats and cyber incidents.

Calling it “residual” might make it seem minor, almost an afterthought. However, this type of risk could cause the most trouble for your organization. If you don’t factor residual risk into your cybersecurity system, you won’t be able to tell what is happening outside your controls. It’s the vulnerability in the system that threat actors look for.

What is Residual Risk In Cybersecurity?

Residual risk in cybersecurity refers to the level of risk that remains after security measures have been implemented. Despite robust defenses, this residual risk still poses a threat, highlighting the need for continuous monitoring and risk management strategies.

Studies show that even with advanced security protocols, residual risk accounts for approximately 20% of cybersecurity incidents.

In simple terms, residual risk in cybersecurity is the risk that remains after all security measures have been put in place to reduce or mitigate potential threats. Imagine you’re locking your door to keep your house safe. Even after locking the door, there might still be a small chance that someone could break in. That small chance is like residual risk.

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Conclusion :

Residual risk in cybersecurity is like the tiny chance someone could still break into your house even after you’ve locked the door. It’s the risk that remains even with all the security measures in place. Understanding residual risk helps organizations plan better, make smarter decisions, and be prepared for cyber threats. By continuously evaluating and managing residual risks, organizations can stay ahead of cybercriminals and protect their data and systems effectively....

What is Residual Risk In Cybersecurity? – FAQs

What is residual risk?...