What is Reverse Shell?

Reverse Shell is used for to gain full control of the compromised system a hacker can easily create a session-established connection. The main working principle is a reverse shell of the is creating remote connection and sending input output redirect to the attacking system. Reverse uses open ports for creating reverse shell. These shells are made with different programming languages like PHP, Python, etc.  

Uploading a Reverse Shell to a Web Server in Kali Linux

We basically hack the webserver for gaining access to the system. We look into what is inside the web server and we want to have full control of the web server. Therefore we can download or access the uploaded content. In this article, we are using a reverse shell made with PHP. We are uploading the reverse shell into the web server and trying to hack the web server. Before that, we will see what is a web server and reverse shell.

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What is a Web Server?

A web server is like a computer that uses an HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and many other protocols. it responds when a client makes a request over the world wide web. The main work of the web server is to show website content that is processed, and stored, in the webserver to deliver the webpages to the user. The Web server also uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for sending mail and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for file transfer and storage....

What is Reverse Shell?

Reverse Shell is used for to gain full control of the compromised system a hacker can easily create a session-established connection. The main working principle is a reverse shell of the is creating remote connection and sending input output redirect to the attacking system. Reverse uses open ports for creating reverse shell. These shells are made with different programming languages like PHP, Python, etc....

Uploading a Reverse Shell to a Web Server

Follow the below steps for Uploading a Reverse Shell to a Web Server in Kali Linux:...