What is STD Disease?


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), venereal diseases (VDs), and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) are all terms for diseases or infections spread by sexual contact. It refers to any infection or disease that is spread through sexual contact. These infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, and can affect both males and females.

STDs are spread through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. They can be passed from person to person even if there are no visible symptoms, which is why it’s important to practice safe sex and get tested regularly if you are sexually active.

Some common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HPV. These infections can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, discharge, sores, and bumps. If left untreated, STDs can cause serious health problems, including infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and even certain types of cancer.

It’s important to get tested for STDs if you are sexually active, even if you don’t have any symptoms. This can help prevent the spread of infection and ensure that you receive prompt treatment if necessary.

Commonly Widespread Diseases

Some of the most widespread STDs are gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydiosis, genital warts, trichomoniasis, hepatitis B, and, of course, HIV, which leads to AIDS. HIV infection is the most dangerous of these.

Some of these infections, such as hepatitis B and HIV, can also be transmitted through the sharing of injection needles, surgical instruments, and so on with infected people, blood transfusion, or from an infected mother to the fetus. Other diseases, with the exception of hepatitis B, genital herpes, and HIV infections, are completely curable if detected early and treated properly. Most of these have minimal early signs such as itching, fluid discharge, slight pain, swellings, and so on in the genital region. Infected females are frequently asymptomatic and thus go unnoticed for lengthy periods of time. The absence of minor symptoms in the early stages of infection, as well as the social shame associated with STDs, discourage afflicted people from seeking timely identification and treatment. This can lead to pelvic inflammatory disorders (PID), abortions, stillbirths, ectopic pregnancies, infertility, or even cancer of the reproductive system later in life. STDs pose a significant threat to a healthy society.

As a result, prevention, early detection, and treatment of these disorders are prioritized in reproductive healthcare programs. Though all people are vulnerable to these infections, their frequency has been reported to be particularly high among people aged 15 to 24 years old.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIS) of Reproductive Health Class 12

CBSE Class 12- Reproductive Health- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIS): Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are most commonly spread through sexual contact. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites that cause sexually transmitted illnesses can spread from person to person through blood, sperm, vaginal fluid, and other bodily fluids.

These infections can sometimes be spread Non sexually, such as from mothers to their infants during pregnancy or childbirth, or through blood transfusions or sharing needles.

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