What is STUFF Function?

In SQL Server, the STUFF function is used to replace a specified portion of a string with another string. It takes four arguments: the original string, the starting position in the string where the replacement will begin, the number of characters to replace, and the string that will replace the specified portion. The function then returns the modified string with the replacement performed.


STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )


  • character_expression: The string that will be modified. We can consider this as an input string.
  • start: It is an starting position within the string where characters will be replaced.
  • length: The number of characters to replace.
  • replaceWith_expression: The string that will replace the characters specified by start and length.

How Stuff and ‘For Xml Path’ work in SQL Server?

While working on the SQL Server database, we frequently encounter situations where data manipulation, like concatenating values from multiple rows into a single string, is necessary. To address such requirements, we utilize SQL Server functions like STUFF and FOR XML PATH.

In this article, We will understand these functions by understanding STUFF and FOR XML PATH functions and seeing various examples for each and also seeing examples by combining both of them to illustrate their usage and implementation in various scenarios.

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What is STUFF Function?

In SQL Server, the STUFF function is used to replace a specified portion of a string with another string. It takes four arguments: the original string, the starting position in the string where the replacement will begin, the number of characters to replace, and the string that will replace the specified portion. The function then returns the modified string with the replacement performed....

Examples of STUFF Function

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What is FOR XML PATH Clause?

The FOR XML PATH clause in SQL Server is used to return query results in XML format. It’s particularly useful when we need to concatenate values from multiple rows into a single string. XML is a widely recognized format for data interchange between heterogeneous systems. By leveraging “FOR XML PATH,” SQL developers can easily generate XML documents from tabular data, facilitating seamless data exchange between different platforms and applications. XML is often used as a data format in integrations between disparate systems. “FOR XML PATH” along with STUFF provides a convenient way to generate XML payloads for integration scenarios, allowing SQL Server to serve as a hub for data transformation and exchange....

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Combining STUFF and FOR XML PATH

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In SQL Server, the combined use of the STUFF function and the FOR XML PATH clause is a one of the best combination for string manipulation and XML generation. Together, they enable developers to create XML output directly within SQL queries, eliminating the need for additional processing. The STUFF function facilitates precise string modification by allowing deletion and insertion of substrings at specified positions. When paired with the FOR XML PATH clause, it becomes even more versatile, enabling the creation of hierarchical XML structures and aggregation of data into custom elements....