What is Sufism?

Sufism originally originated from Islam, which continued to flourish in India. Some scholars argue that Sufism came to India before the Muslim invasion. Sufi mystics used to come to India with Arab travelers. The real propagation of Sufism was done by Abul Hasan and he became famous for his liberal ideology. The famous preacher of Sufism in India was Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti.

Sufism Meaning

Sufism is a mystical and ascetic form of Islamic practice that focuses on the inward search for God and spiritual closeness. Followers of Sufism, known as Sufis or Dervishes, emphasize the importance of love, knowledge, and the direct personal experience of God’s presence

The Sufi movement also has many branches. A group of Sufi preachers took a very revolutionary path. They were mystics who renounced the material world and took up a life of penance. Apart from this, they also rejected the supremacy of Sharia laws. Such Sufis were called Be-Sharia. On the other hand, some Sufi saints criticized the extravagant lifestyle of emperors and caliphates but did not reject Sharia laws. These Sufi saints were called Ba-Sharia.

Sufism – Major Beliefs and Practices

Sufism: The medieval era saw a major social and religious movement in the Islamic world called the Sufi movement. In India, along with the Bhakti movement, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Sufi movement also became popular and left its indelible mark on the hearts of the people. The Sufi movement was a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. The Sufi scholars traveling across continental Asia were instrumental in the social, economic, and philosophical development of India.

In addition to preaching in major cities and centers of intellectual thought, Sufis reached out to poor and marginalized rural communities and preached in local dialects such as Urdu, Sindhi, and Punjabi.

In this article, we will read about Sufism, the major beliefs of Sufism, and its practices in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Sufism?
  • Main principles of Sufism
  • Impact of Sufism
  • Conclusion – Sufism
  • FAQs on Sufism

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