What is Sum of Natural Numbers?

Sum of Natural Numbers is the addition of Natural Numbers starting from 1. Natural Numbers are the numbers that begin with 1, a positive integer, and go on with infinity numbers, whereas they don’t include zero or any negative numbers in their sequence of numbers. These numbers help us to do various arithmetic calculations in day-to-day activities.

Sum of Natural Numbers

Sum of the First n Natural Numbers

In the Sum of natural numbers, the arithmetic calculations are based on adding consecutive numbers together or adding any of the natural numbers together. Even though, there is a consequence that if we add any two natural numbers together, we will get the natural number only. Let’s see a few examples of these terms.

  • 3 + 2 = 5
  • 5 + 6 = 11

Sum of Natural Numbers

Sum of n Natural Numbers is simply an addition of ‘n’ numbers of terms that are organized in a series, with the first term being 1, and n being the number of terms together with the nth term. The numbers that begin at 1 and terminate at infinity are known as natural numbers. Sum of the first n natural numbers formula is given by [n(n+1)]/2.

In this article, we will learn about the sum of natural numbers, the sum of natural numbers definition, the sum of natural number formula, the derivation of the sum of natural number formula and solve some examples.

Table of Content

  • What is Sum of Natural Numbers?
    • Sum of the First n Natural Numbers
  • Sum of Natural Numbers Formula
  • Examples on Sum of Natural Numbers
  • Sum of Natural Numbers – Practice Questions
  • Sum of Natural Numbers – FAQs

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