What is Tangential Velocity?

Tangential velocity explains the motion of an object along the circle’s edge whose direction is always at the tangent to any given point on the circle.

Hence, Tangential velocity is the component of motion along the edge of a circle measured at any arbitrary instant.

A tangent is a line that only touches one point of a non-linear curve (such as a circle). A two-dimensional graph represents an equation with the relationship between the coordinates x and y. 

In a circular motion, the tangential velocity is the measurement of the speed at any point tangent to the revolving wheel. Through the formula, angular velocity ω is connected to tangential velocity, Vt. Tangential velocity is the component of motion along the circle’s edge that may be measured at any time. 

Also Check, Velocity

Tangential Velocity Formula

Linear component of any object’s velocity which is moving on a circular path is called tangential velocity. When an object moves in a circular path at a distance of r from the centre, the velocity of the body is always tangential. It can also be stated that the linear velocity is equal to the tangential velocity at any given time. Let us learn about tangential velocity, formula, examples, and others in this article.

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