What is the Backend?

Backend refers to behind-the-scenes functionalities. It deals with server-side logic and complex calculations. It is responsible for managing and providing strong data, user authentication, creating and managing APIs, and providing them to the client side. The backend interacts with the database to store data. Here are some technologies that are helpful to construct the backend.

Production Level Directory Setup for Backend

When we make a project, even a small project there are a lot of files & folders that have their importance. But to maintain it is very hectic. So It is an approach that is used by tech giant & startups to make their codebase easy, maintainable & structured.

If you use this approach it will drastically reduce the files’ organization complexity & also be appreciated. So in this article, we’ll explore production-level setup in detail, its advantages, and many more.

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What is the Backend?

Backend refers to behind-the-scenes functionalities. It deals with server-side logic and complex calculations. It is responsible for managing and providing strong data, user authentication, creating and managing APIs, and providing them to the client side. The backend interacts with the database to store data. Here are some technologies that are helpful to construct the backend....

Why do we need a Production Level Directory Setup?

In startup or tech projects, dealing with numerous files and folders can be overwhelming. To address this complexity, a production-level backend directory setup is crucial. It simplifies development by understandably organizing code, making it easier to manage and maintain. As the project expands, this structured approach ensures scalability without losing clarity. Collaboration within teams becomes smoother, debugging is simpler, and deployment is more efficient. Security is bolstered with protected storage of sensitive data, and version control is more effective. Consistency across projects facilitates developer transitions. In essence, a well-organized directory setup is a foundational practice that significantly boosts the efficiency and success of software development projects....

Steps to create files & folders

1. Root folder...

Advantages of Production Level Directory Setup

Easily accessing files: Because you organize files and folders in such a way that they will be easily accessed. For example, if you want to add a city category to the user model, then you have a clear and structured path: root > src > model > files. Easy to debug: In a large codebase, debugging is a very hectic thing. But in a structured manner, the organization makes it simple and easy to debug. Maintainability: As new versions come, the code base becomes more lengthy and heavy. Here adding a new feature, and updating the old codebase are included. This setup makes it easy. Segment work:  At tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Meta, you don’t work on a complete project. Here, you are assigned to work on a particular segment of a feature or project. In this scenario, it is also helpful....


It is an approach used by professionals to make the codebase more maintainable, easy to debug & update. It makes backend developers’ life more simple. It reduces your codebase to be bulk & messy. Structural organization of files is also helpful to collaborate with your team members. It simplifies project organization, making codebase management and maintenance more straightforward. The systematic creation of files and folders adds clarity and simplicity to the development process making the software development process a success....

Production Level Directory Setup for Backend – FAQs

Is there any prerequisite for the Production-level setup for the backend?...