What is the Hangman Game?

Hangman is a word puzzle game that involves:

  • A secret word: A word is selected and its number of characters is displayed to the user. The player then has to guess each letter of the word.
  • Limited attempts: The guessing player has a fixed number of tries (usually six) to guess the word.
  • Display: The game displays the partially guessed word with blanks for unguessed letters.
  • Winning/Losing: The guessing player wins if they think is the word within the allowed attempts; otherwise, they lose.

There is a graphical representation of a person who keeps getting closer to hanging whenever a wrong guess is made hence the name “Hangman”


The game challenges players’ word-guessing skills and deductive reasoning.

Hangman Game in C

Hangman game is a popular and simple game in which the player has to guess the word based on the given hint. In this article, we will write a program for the hangman game using C programming language.

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C Program for Hangman Game

C // C program to implement hangman game #include #include #include #include #include #include   #define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_TRIES 6   // Struct to hold a word and its hint struct WordWithHint {     char word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];     char hint[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; };   // Function to display the current state of the word void displayWord(const char word[], const bool guessed[]);   // Function to draw the hangman void drawHangman(int tries);   // driver code int main() {     // Seed the random number generator with the current     // time     srand(time(NULL));     // Array of words with hints     struct WordWithHint wordList[] = {         { "geeksforgeeks", "Computer coding" },         { "elephant", "A large mammal with a trunk" },         { "pizza", "A popular Italian dish" },         { "beach", "Sandy shore by the sea" },         // Add more words and hints here     };       // Select a random word from the list     int wordIndex = rand() % 4;       const char* secretWord = wordList[wordIndex].word;     const char* hint = wordList[wordIndex].hint;       int wordLength = strlen(secretWord);     char guessedWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH] = { 0 };     bool guessedLetters[26] = { false };       printf("Welcome to Hangman!\n");     printf("Hint: %s\n", hint);       int tries = 0;       while (tries < MAX_TRIES) {         printf("\n");         displayWord(guessedWord, guessedLetters);         drawHangman(tries);           char guess;         printf("Enter a letter: ");         scanf(" %c", &guess);         guess = tolower(guess);           if (guessedLetters[guess - 'a']) {             printf("You've already guessed that letter. "                    "Try again.\n");             continue;         }           guessedLetters[guess - 'a'] = true;           bool found = false;         for (int i = 0; i < wordLength; i++) {             if (secretWord[i] == guess) {                 found = true;                 guessedWord[i] = guess;             }         }           if (found) {             printf("Good guess!\n");         }         else {             printf("Sorry, the letter '%c' is not in the "                    "word.\n",                    guess);             tries++;         }           if (strcmp(secretWord, guessedWord) == 0) {             printf("\nCongratulations! You've guessed the "                    "word: %s\n",                    secretWord);             break;         }     }       if (tries >= MAX_TRIES) {         printf("\nSorry, you've run out of tries. The word "                "was: %s\n",                secretWord);     }       return 0; }   void displayWord(const char word[], const bool guessed[]) {     printf("Word: ");     for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) {         if (guessed[word[i] - 'a']) {             printf("%c ", word[i]);         }         else {             printf("_ ");         }     }     printf("\n"); }   void drawHangman(int tries) {     const char* hangmanParts[]         = { "     _________",    "    |         |",             "    |         O",   "    |        /|\\",             "    |        / \\", "    |" };       printf("\n");     for (int i = 0; i <= tries; i++) {         printf("%s\n", hangmanParts[i]);     } }...