What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is the productivity or time-management method that comprises the processes and principles built on self-awareness and observations. This technique, not only helps students to study better but also professionals like software engineers or developers to meet deadlines without getting exhausted by EOD. In general, it helps everyone achieve their goals within the timeline without many struggles.

But before we deep dive into this topic, let’s understand who introduced this Pomodoro technique and why?

In the late 1980s, the Italian Francesco Cirillo invented the most effective time-management method: The Pomodoro Technique. He experimented with several time management tools to find out the best way to get things done. He used his tomato-shaped kitchen timer for dividing his tasks into 25-minute work intervals and five-minute breaks. 

While practicing it, he found out that he was able to complete tasks more effectively than before. On that observation, he concluded that if you divide a large task into small manageable time units then it becomes easy to complete it. Later on, he named this method after his kitchen timer which was shaped like a Pomodoro which means “tomato” in Italian. 

Now that we are familiar with the history of Pomodoro, let’s understand how it works. 

Pomodoro Technique – Increase Your Productivity as a Software Engineer

If you’re a typical student or a working professional and have an attention span of a goldfish, you’re pretty much distracted most of the time throughout the day. We’re not saying this. According to research conducted by Dr. Larry Rosen, professor emeritus at California State University, Dominguez Hills, “the typical student” is “distracted for at least five out of every 15 minutes they set aside to study,” most often as a result of texting and social media use. 

One more study revealed that as much as 70%-99% of office employees feel distracted, with an average employee experiencing as many as 56 disruptions per day. If you’re nodding your head while reading this, then this productivity hack technique called the “Pomodoro Technique” is made, especially, for you.

Getting distracted while working on an important project or not being able to meet deadlines or feeling overwhelmed when too many tasks are allotted to you to finish by EOD, and you don’t know how to manage everything without cumbering down is a major question everyone’s been wondering about. Let’s be real – everyone feels work burnout and managing time becomes a difficult task when you’re feeling absolutely lost. This is where the Pomodoro Technique comes to the rescue. 

In this article, we’ll talk about how this most famous time-management technique can help you achieve your daily task with less effort and anxiety. So, let’s dive in.


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What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is the productivity or time-management method that comprises the processes and principles built on self-awareness and observations. This technique, not only helps students to study better but also professionals like software engineers or developers to meet deadlines without getting exhausted by EOD. In general, it helps everyone achieve their goals within the timeline without many struggles....

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Many people have benefitted from this Pomodoro technique and if you’re working as a programmer or a software developer, you surely can use this Pomodoro method to increase your productivity. But it’s not magic. It depends on you how you create magic using this technique. So, be loyal to yourself and put this technique into your day-to-day work and achieve your target on time without panicking. And if you face difficulty in following it in one go, it’s completely fine. At least you tried! And when you try, try and try, you’ll definitely succeed. So, take baby steps and don’t quit too soon. All the best!...

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