What is the Quran?

The Quran contains the words God gave to the Prophet Muhammad through the Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad memorized it and recited it for himself and his companions. The precise text of the Quran went through several revisions throughout the Prophet’s lifetime. The 114 chapters of the Quran may still be read in their original form since they have not been changed throughout time.

Islam Religion : Origin, History, Beliefs, Practices

Islam Religion: The religion that Muslims follow is called Islam. Followers of Islam are called Muslims, and followers of Christianity are called Christians. Literally and grammatically, Islam means obeying. The religion called Islam comes from the Arabic letters s-l-m, which are also the roots of the word peace (salam). Being obedient is what Islam means, not peace.

While Arabs and Muslims are often used equally, this is not true. Arabs are a race, and Islam is a religion. Some Arabs are Muslim, but not all Muslims are Arab. About 13% of Muslims are Arabs. In this article, we have provided you with all the important details about Islam religion along the its history, beliefs, and practices.

Table of Content

  • What is Islamic Religion?
  • Prophet Muhammad
  • Hijrah, Abu Bakr
  • What is the Quran?
  • The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Sunnis and Shiites
  • Sharia Law
  • Muslims and Islam in the Modern World
  • Prohibitions in Islam
  • The Role of the Clergy in Islam
  • FAQs on Islamic Religion

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