What is the Right Lung?

It is called the right lung as it is located on the right side of the respiratory system. It has three lobes namely superior, middle, and inferior lobes, separated by horizontal and oblique fissures. Although the horizontal fissure divides the superior from the middle lobe, the oblique fissure divides the inferior from the middle and superior lobes. It has a bigger volume and is heavier than the left lung. It provides space for the liver, and the base of the right lung is more concave. It is about 5cm shorter than the left lung as it has to accommodate the diaphragm, which rises higher towards the right side over the liver.

Difference Between Right and Left Lung

The major difference between the right and left rung is that the right lung has 3 lobes while the left lung is having 2 lobes. The lungs are the main respiratory organ in the human respiratory system. They are paired structure that helps in gaseous exchange. The right lung receives air from one bronchus of the trachea, while the left lung receives air from the other bronchus. The two lungs have differences in their anatomy. 

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What is the Right Lung?

It is called the right lung as it is located on the right side of the respiratory system. It has three lobes namely superior, middle, and inferior lobes, separated by horizontal and oblique fissures. Although the horizontal fissure divides the superior from the middle lobe, the oblique fissure divides the inferior from the middle and superior lobes. It has a bigger volume and is heavier than the left lung. It provides space for the liver, and the base of the right lung is more concave. It is about 5cm shorter than the left lung as it has to accommodate the diaphragm, which rises higher towards the right side over the liver....

Similarities between Right and Left Lung

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Difference between Right and Left Lung

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FAQs on Right and Left lung

Q1: Why does the Right Lung have Three Lobes?...