What is the Right to the Internet?

Article 19(A) states that “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” It means that to express one’s opinion, one can use the internet, paper media or simple words. There can’t be any ban on such activities as they fall under democratic rights. Thus, it is a necessity to have the internet with us, to be able to voice out our opinions and make the right place for ourselves in democracy.

Why Access To Internet Is A Fundamental Right?

Access to the Internet for all is a fundamental and important right. It not only provides us with the benefit of democracy but also opens up endless doors of opportunities, be it through online availability of jobs, or through freelancing, be it learning online or teaching. Internet today is a vast sea consisting of millions of advantages beneath itself which remains hidden sometimes, but is necessary to point them out from time to time.

Table of Content

  • What is the Right to the Internet?
  • Right to the Internet in India – A Fundamental Right
  • Is the right to the Internet under Article 19 or 21?
  • Right to Internet Access Supreme Court Judgement
  • Conclusion

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What is the Right to the Internet?

Article 19(A) states that “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” It means that to express one’s opinion, one can use the internet, paper media or simple words. There can’t be any ban on such activities as they fall under democratic rights. Thus, it is a necessity to have the internet with us, to be able to voice out our opinions and make the right place for ourselves in democracy....

Right to the Internet in India – A Fundamental Right

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Is the right to the Internet under Article 19 or 21?

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Right to Internet Access Supreme Court Judgement

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Internet has not only helped in making difficult tasks easier, but has also helped in education, business, e-commerce sectors and has had a great impact on human rights. It should be accessible to all as it helps every person in some or the other way. Not only education, but internet has also provided people to expand their talents across other countries crossing boundaries of states & opportunities. It has given a great chance of freelancing, expanding the businesses online so as in to increase the profits. It has been a pillar of strength to all with many more technological advancements upcoming in future, be it AI – Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain. In all these domains, internet is used which thereby enables us to automate machines and earn money. These all benefits reassure us with the fact that we are living in a democratic country where every person is entitled to living on it’s own and using the internet for it’s own....

FAQs – Why Access To Internet Is A Fundamental Right?

1. Is Access to the Internet a Fundamental Right?...