What is the Sklearn Diabetes Dataset?

The scikit-learn Diabetes Dataset or Sklearn Diabetes dataset consists of ten baseline variables, such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements, obtained for 442 diabetes patients. The target variable is a quantitative measure of disease progression one year after baseline.

Sklearn Diabetes Dataset

Characteristics of Sklearn Diabetes Dataset

  • Number of Instances: 442
  • Number of Attributes: The first 10 columns are numeric predictive values.
  • Target: Column 11 represents a quantitative measure of disease progression one year after baseline.

Attribute Information of Sklearn Diabetes Dataset

The Sklearn Diabetes Dataset include following attributes:

  1. age: Age in years
  2. sex: Gender of the patient
  3. bmi: Body mass index
  4. bp: Average blood pressure
  5. s1: Total serum cholesterol (tc)
  6. s2: Low-density lipoproteins (ldl)
  7. s3: High-density lipoproteins (hdl)
  8. s4: Total cholesterol / HDL (tch)
  9. s5: Possibly log of serum triglycerides level (ltg)
  10. s6: Blood sugar level (glu)

Sklearn Diabetes Dataset : Scikit-learn Toy Datasets in Python

The Sklearn Diabetes Dataset typically refers to a dataset included in the scikit-learn machine learning library, which is a synthetic dataset rather than real-world data. This dataset is often used for demonstration purposes in machine learning tutorials and examples. In this article, we are going to learn more about the Sklearn Diabetes Dataset, how to load the dataset, and its application in machine learning.

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The Diabetes Dataset is a dataset used by researchers to employ statistical analysis or machine learning algorithms to uncover Diabetes patterns in patients. The Sklearn Diabetes Dataset is a rich source of information for the application of machine learning algorithms in healthcare analytics....

What is the Sklearn Diabetes Dataset?

The scikit-learn Diabetes Dataset or Sklearn Diabetes dataset consists of ten baseline variables, such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements, obtained for 442 diabetes patients. The target variable is a quantitative measure of disease progression one year after baseline....

How to Load Sklearn Diabetes Dataset?

The sklearn.datasets.load_diabetes function is used to load the Diabetes Dataset available in scikit-learn....

Applications of Sklearn Diabetes Dataset

The diabetes dataset from scikit-learn is commonly used in machine learning tutorials to practice regression techniques. Some of its uses are:...


Overall, the Sklearn Diabetes Dataset provided by scikit-learn facilitates research and analysis in the field of diabetes management and predictive healthcare. By leveraging machine learning techniques and exploring the relationships between baseline variables and disease progression, researchers can develop valuable insights and predictive models that contribute to the advancement of diabetes treatment and patient care....

FAQ on Sklearn Diabetes Datasets

What is the Sklearn Diabetes Dataset in scikit-learn?...