What is the super () method used for?

A method from a parent class can be called in Python using the super() function. It’s typical practice in object-oriented programming to call the methods of the superclass and enable method overriding and inheritance. Even if the current class has replaced those methods with its own implementation, calling super() allows you to access and use the parent class’s methods. By doing this, you may enhance and modify the parent class’s behavior while still gaining from it.

Benefits of Super Function

  • Need not remember or specify the parent class name to access its methods. This function can be used both in single and multiple inheritances.
  • This implements modularity (isolating changes) and code reusability as there is no need to rewrite the entire function.
  • The super function in Python is called dynamically because Python is a dynamic language, unlike other languages.

Python super()

In Python, the super() function is used to refer to the parent class or superclass. It allows you to call methods defined in the superclass from the subclass, enabling you to extend and customize the functionality inherited from the parent class.

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