What is Torque?

Torque in physics is only a force’s propensity to turn or twist. Torque is referred to using a variety of terms, including moment and moment of force. The moment arm or lever arm is the measurement of the separation between the point of application of force and the axis of rotation.


You may have seen the truck mechanic using a long rod for loosening the bolt of the wheel. Using long mechanics increased the magnitude of torque hence mechanics easily lose the bolt by applying less force. It is easier to open or shut the doors provided with handles near the outer edge far away from the hinges.  


Torque is the effect of force when it is applied to an object containing a pivot point or the axis of rotation (the point at which an object rotates), which results in the form of rotational motion of the object. The Force causes objects to accelerate in the linear direction in which the force is applied, but in the case of torque, it causes objects to accelerate in the angular direction with respect to the axis of rotation. Torque is also called the “moment of force,” as it depends on the magnitude of the force as well as the moment of the arm, i.e., the perpendicular distance between the line of action force and the axis of rotation. Torque is as fundamental to rotational motion as force is to a straight-line motion. In this article, we will learn about torque and how torque has a tendency to cause rotation, also how to solve numerical problems based on Torque as well.

Table of Content

  • Torque Definition
  • What is Torque?
  • Torque Formula
  • How is torque calculated?
  • Types of Torque
  • Applications of Torque
  • What factors affect torque in a vehicle?
  • Why is torque important in cars?
  • Solved Examples on Torque

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What is Torque?

Torque in physics is only a force’s propensity to turn or twist. Torque is referred to using a variety of terms, including moment and moment of force. The moment arm or lever arm is the measurement of the separation between the point of application of force and the axis of rotation....

Torque Formula

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Types of Torque

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Applications of Torque

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Why is torque important in cars?

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Solved Examples on Torque

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Torque – FAQs

What is Torque?...