What is Type Erasure?

Scala, like Java, is built on the JVM and hence has the same type of erasure problem. Type parameters are removed during compilation, which makes using generic types at runtime challenging. Activities like pattern matching and reflection may be hampered by this restriction.

How to Overcome Type Erasure in Scala?

Type erasure may provide challenges in Scala, particularly when dealing with generics. Type tags and manifests are a means to prevent type erasure. By preserving type information during runtime, these approaches let you operate with genuine types as opposed to erased types.

Table of Content

  • What is Type Erasure?
  • Overcoming Type Erasure
    • Using Type Tags
    • Using Manifests
    • Using ClassTag
    • Using WeakTypeTag

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What is Type Erasure?

Scala, like Java, is built on the JVM and hence has the same type of erasure problem. Type parameters are removed during compilation, which makes using generic types at runtime challenging. Activities like pattern matching and reflection may be hampered by this restriction....

Overcoming Type Erasure

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