What is value of ‘i’?

The term ‘i’ is referred to as an imaginary number or iota. It is used to represent numbers that are not real but form an integral part of a mathematical system. This came into the picture when there are negative values in the square root. The value of ‘i’ can be represented as

i = √-1


i × i = i2 -1

Since the value of √-1 can’t be calculated, it is represented by the term ‘i’.

Definition of Value of i

The imaginary unit i is defined such that i2 = −1

Value of i

The value of i is a fundamental concept in mathematics, particularly in the field of complex numbers. The field of mathematics not only depends on real numbers but also complex numbers which can be represented by the value ‘i’ known as iota.

In this article, we will study what is ‘i’ and what is the value of ‘i’. We will also see how we can use ‘i’ to represent a complex number. Some solved examples have also been provided to ensure a better understanding of the concept.

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