What is Warrant?

Warrant is a special permission slip for the police. It’s a document issued by a judge that gives law enforcement officers the authority to take a specific action, such as arresting someone or searching a place. It’s a bit like a green light for the police to do something they wouldn’t normally be allowed to do without permission. For example, if the police suspect someone of committing a crime and they need to search that person’s house for evidence, they’ll first need to get a warrant from a judge. This means that they have to convince the judge that they have a justified reason to search the house. Once they have the warrant, they can go ahead and carry out the search. So, in simple terms, a warrant is like a legal permission slip that allows the police to take certain actions, such as making arrests or conducting searches, in accordance with the law. There are two types of Warrant; Search warrant and Arrest warrant.

Difference Between Summon and Warrant

In simple terms, a “summon” is an official notice to appear in court, usually issued to individuals involved in legal proceedings as witnesses or defendants. It’s like an invitation that requires compliance. On the other hand, a “warrant” is a legal document issued by a judge or magistrate authorizing law enforcement to take a specific action, typically an arrest or search. It’s more like an order for law enforcement to do something, often related to apprehending someone suspected of a crime or searching a particular place.

In essence, a summon is for individuals to appear in court, while a warrant is for law enforcement to take action, like making an arrest.

Table of Content

  • What is Summon?
  • What is Warrant?
  • Difference between Summon and Warrant
  • Difference Between Summon and Warrant- FAQS

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What is Warrant?

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Difference between Summon and Warrant


Difference Between Summon and Warrant- FAQS

What is a Summon?...