What was the role of Women in the French Revolution?

Women had been active participants from the beginning, which led to essential changes in France.

  • The most important demand of women during the French Revolution was the “Right to Vote” and equal wages.
  • In order to raise their voice for the important demands, they started many political clubs and newspapers, of which the most famous was ” the society of revolutionary” and “Republican Women were famous.
  • About 60 women’s clubs came up in different cities in France.
  • The early years of the revolutionary government did introduce laws that helped improve the lives of women. Like the state schools, schooling was made compulsory for all girls.
  • Marriage was made into a contract that was to be entered freely and registered under civil laws. Divorce was made legal, and applied by men and women. Women were now able to train for jobs, could become artists, or run small businesses.
  • Women’s struggle for voting rights and equal wages continued. During the Reign of Terror, the new government issued laws ordering the closure of women’s clubs and banning their political activities. Many women were arrested and also some were executed.
  • Women’s movements for voting rights and equal wages continued through the next two hundred years in many countries. Fight for the vote was carried out through the International suffrage movement during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Finally, in 1946 they got the rights.

Role of Women in the French Revolution

Role of Women in French Revolution: French women were confined to the private sphere at the beginning of the French Revolution. Family obligations and domestic duties dictated their behavior and man’s domain was the public sphere. However, the ideas of equality and freedom that sparked the French Revolution captivated the attention of women from all backgrounds. Women wanted to voice their political opinions and grievances. Working classes took to the streets with their own frustrations such as finding affordable bread.

Table of Content

  • Salons and Societies
  • What was the role of Women in the French Revolution?
  • Role of Women in the French Revolution: From the Salons to the Streets
  • The life of a revolutionary woman – Olympe de Gouges(1748-1793) 

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