What’s The Ideology Behind The ‘Mandala’ Theme?

Like every release, at the end of the release cycle, the lead of the release team gets a chance to present a logo and theme for that release. This time Kubernetes 1.29 was released with a ‘Mandala’ theme and a logo that shows typical designs very similar to Indian culture. It represents the Universe of Cloud-native community where people of different backgrounds and diversity are contributing to Kubernetes, through which Kubernetes is where it is now. In this release, around 1422 contributors from 888+ countries along with 1.29 Release Team contributed to the project and made this release possible, which resulted in 49 enhancements (11 stable, 19 beta, 19 alpha).

What’s New In Kubernetes 1.29 ?

Kubernetes is an open-source Container Orchestrator tool that helps in managing microservices and it provides several functionalities and features around that with some monitoring features too. Kubernetes itself is a huge and complex project under CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). Kubernetes is a huge and complex project and 2nd largest open-source project in the world after Linux-Kernel. Every year 3 releases/updates of Kubernetes come every quarter, which gives us an idea of like from what velocity the project is moving ahead. In this article, we will discuss some of the prominent features, enhancements, and deprecations of the recent release Kubernetes 1.29. But before jumping on it, let’s see some real-life use cases of Kubernetes to give a gist about how awesomely the project is evolving and helping out large enterprises in managing their applications.

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Real-World Implementations And Addressing Those Problems

Secure and Scalable Applications: Kubernetes’ ability to keep data in its Kubernetes clusters secure while being vendor-neutral made financial businesses trust Kubernetes and its unmatchable scalability power helps keep payment gateway-like applications reliable and fast....

What’s The Ideology Behind The ‘Mandala’ Theme?

Like every release, at the end of the release cycle, the lead of the release team gets a chance to present a logo and theme for that release. This time Kubernetes 1.29 was released with a ‘Mandala’ theme and a logo that shows typical designs very similar to Indian culture. It represents the Universe of Cloud-native community where people of different backgrounds and diversity are contributing to Kubernetes, through which Kubernetes is where it is now. In this release, around 1422 contributors from 888+ countries along with 1.29 Release Team contributed to the project and made this release possible, which resulted in 49 enhancements (11 stable, 19 beta, 19 alpha)....

New Features Of Kubernetes v1.29

‘ReadWriteOncePod’ for persistent volume nodes, will now be set to ‘on’ by default. ‘PodLifecycleSleepAction‘ feature is introduced in this release, you can use it in a manifest deployment file with webhooks such as Sleep, Lifecycle, preStop. The time specified here should be less than graceful period, and it helps a lot for achieving zero down-time upgrades. ‘matchLabelKeys’ is an alpha feature introduced in this cycle, you can specify it in a manifest pod file under ‘spec’ and ‘podAffinity’ sub-category where you can specify ‘matchLabelKeys’ with appropriate key value for the pod manifest file. It also enhanes functionalites of podAffinity. Added support of Contaierd, kubelet will be able to pull different images depending on different Container runtime class for Windows....

Enhancements In New Kubernetes v1.29

CSI Node expansion secret now graduated to stable from beta. It can now be used to validate the size of block storage before its expansion. New controller with name ‘taint-eviction-controller’ is introduced for ‘taintBasedPodEviction’. Now it will be easier to manage Pod eviction as 2 new metrics are also launched for the same that are ‘pod deletion total’ and ‘pod deletion duration seconds’. These 2 metrices will basically count the no. of deleted pods and the time it took to do this task. For using it, you have to enable ‘separateTaintEvictionController’. ‘ReadWriteOncePod’ feature moved to GA/Stable, it will make sure that only one pod across the whole cluster can read a particular PVC {‘PersistentVolumeClaim’} and write to it. ‘PodReadytoStartContainers’ feature is actually a condition set by kubelet, that creates an isolated sandbox with all the networking configuration for a pod whenever kubelet receives a request for creation of a pod in any node. It provides more visibility and security that helps specially when something goes wrong, and we need to troubleshoot it. This feature was enhanced and moved to beta in this release. ‘SideCarContainers’ feature moved to beta....

Deprecations And Removals

Feature gates for ‘cloud providers’ and ‘kubelet cloud credential providers’ will now be disabled by default, meaning now users who are using entry level cloud providers will now be forced to use external cloud providers. Users will now have to use “-cloud-provider=external” on kubelet of every node....

Future Trends In Kubernetes

Community Support: Kubernetes welcoming open-source community is very active, and the number of contributors of different diversity are increasing time to time that is surely going to increase collaboration among contributors and other industries that will benefit the entire ecosystem....


Kubernetes 1.29 with the help of community support made possible 49 enhancements with this release including some newly added features, some deprecations, some features advancing to beta or stable state as well. In this article, we saw some of the prominent and interesting ones in detail and how it impacts user. For a full detailed overview of all the deprecations and features refer original Kubernetes blog of 1.29 release. Thanks for reading till here, if you found this article insightful then don’t forget to give it a thumbs-up....

New Kubernetes v1.29 – FAQs

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