When to use Memory Inspector Tool?

The various reasons to use this tool are:

  • Debugging buffer: You can view and check for problems about the object memory values and make changes to your source code accordingly. The tool provides a very good view of the memory for inspection.
  • Inspecting different memory objects: You can inspect array buffer, typed array, data view and WebAssembly memory using this tool. The tool provides access to the addresses of buffer size and cannot be used to access other memory locations.
  • Checking ASCII values: The buffer values may represent ASCII values so the values stored in buffer are unsigned integer this values ASCII representation is also displayed in the tool.

Memory Inspector Tool in Microsoft Edge Browser

The Memory Inspector Tool is used to view Array Buffer and also provide the ASCII representation of the data present in the memory. Typed Array. In the tool the developer inspect different types of memory objects and check if correct values are present in correct memory location.

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