When to use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” in SQLite?

  • ON UPDATE CASCADE” is an SQLite feature.
  • It helps developers determine the actions to take when a child row is changed due to an update in a referenced row in a parent table.
  • This feature automatically spreads changes in the parent-referenced column to related child tables using the specified action.
  • This feature simplifies data management by automatically updating related records and maintaining data integrity.
  • It reduces the need for manual updates and helps prevent inconsistencies between related tables.
  • Developers can use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” to streamline database operations and improve the efficiency of data maintenance tasks.


The syntax for using “ON UPDATE CASCADE” in SQLite is as follows:

CREATE TABLE child_table (
child_column1 datatype,
child_column2 datatype,
FOREIGN KEY (child_column1) REFERENCES parent_table(parent_column)


  • child_table: The name of the child table.
  • child_column1: The column in the child table that references the parent table.
  • parent_table: The name of the parent table.
  • parent_column: The column in the parent table that is being referenced.
  • ON UPDATE CASCADE: Specifies the action to be taken on related rows in the child table when the referenced column in the parent table is updated.


“ON UPDATE CASCADE” is an important feature in SQLite that simplifies data management and ensures data integrity by automatically propagating changes from a parent table to its related child tables. This feature plays a crucial role in maintaining consistency and reducing the need for manual updates in SQLite databases.

In this article, We will learn about When to use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” in SQLite by understanding with the help of examples and so on.

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When to use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” in SQLite?

“ON UPDATE CASCADE” is an SQLite feature. It helps developers determine the actions to take when a child row is changed due to an update in a referenced row in a parent table. This feature automatically spreads changes in the parent-referenced column to related child tables using the specified action. This feature simplifies data management by automatically updating related records and maintaining data integrity. It reduces the need for manual updates and helps prevent inconsistencies between related tables. Developers can use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” to streamline database operations and improve the efficiency of data maintenance tasks....

Example of When to use “ON UPDATE CASCADE” in SQLite

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Overall, “ON UPDATE CASCADE” is a feature in SQLite that makes the task of management of referential integrity and data integrity more efficient. The presence of cascaded update process within the related tables reduce the Dependence of the users of the database manager and minimizes the chance of database anomalies due to human error. However, it must be realized that the use of it should be done with great care ensuring that all factors that may arise by its use are to be kept in mind....