Where Clause with BETWEEN Operator

It is used to fetch filtered data in a given range inclusive of two values. 


SELECT column1,column2 FROM table_name 

WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

Parameter Explanation:

  1. BETWEEN: operator name 
  2. value1 AND value2: exact value from value1 to value2 to get related data in result set.  

To fetch records of Employees where Age is between 22 and 24 (inclusive).





SQL | WHERE Clause

WHERE keyword is used for fetching filtered data in a result set. It is used to fetch data according to particular criteria. WHERE keyword can also be used to filter data by matching patterns.


SELECT column1,column2 FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value;

Parameter Explanation:

  1. column1,column2: fields in the table
  2. table_name: name of table
  3. column_name: name of field used for filtering the data
  4. operator: operation to be considered for filtering
  5. value: exact value or pattern to get related data in result 

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